Entrepreneurship - Page 2

5 Content Marketing Ideas To Help Small Businesses

Content marketing is an excellent way for small businesses to reach their target audience. It’s relatively low cost and can effectively generate leads and build brand awareness. Here we share five effective content marketing strategies for your small business today.

1. Landing Pages

Landing pages are a great way to engage with customers, build trust, and generate leads. They can be used to promote products or services or collect information from visitors.

Landing pages are a key part of any content marketing strategy for small businesses because they’re highly effective in generating leads, driving sales, and increasing traffic to your website.

2. Email marketing

Email marketing is an inexpensive and effective way to keep in touch with your customers. It’s also a great way to build relationships with them because it’s easy to customize emails based on their interests or purchase history.

You can create email campaigns through free services such as MailChimp, Constant Content Marketing, and AWeber; however, if you’re short on time and resources you can use one of these services or hire a professional who will help set up your email marketing campaign for less than $100 per month.

3. Blogging

Blogging is a great way to build credibility, trust, and rapport with your customers. It’s also free traffic—if you’re savvy about it!

For example: If you have a blog post about what it’s like to run the business of your dreams (and some so many people can relate to), then share it on social media channels. People will see that you’re not just another faceless company selling them something; instead, they’ll see a real person who has been in their shoes and wants to help them succeed at whatever they’re trying to do. And if they like what you wrote about your journey? Then maybe they’ll stick around for more content marketing from you down the road!

4. Case Studies

A case study is a detailed account of how your business helped someone else solve a problem. They’re usually written in the first person, so you can use them to show off your expertise, but they can also be used for promotional purposes. This makes them perfect for small businesses since they show how you can help others while promoting your brand.

If you want to create this type of content marketing, it’s best to choose a customer who was particularly happy with your results and write about their experience in detail. You might include some background information on what led up to the situation they were dealing with and any challenges they faced along the way. Finally, make sure that it ends on an uplifting note so that readers feel encouraged no matter what problems they might face in their lives (because let’s face it: most people have problems).

5. Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to attract new customers. They can help you show off your expertise, build brand awareness, and connect with new customers. Podcasts are a medium that’s relatively easy to produce and distribute, but they can also be very effective in increasing your audience reach.

Podcasting is an excellent way for small businesses to get their name out there because it allows them to share information about their products or services with anyone who can access the Internet or mobile devices. The key is to make sure that people know what they’re listening to so they’ll know how helpful it might be for them.

Conclusion Content Marketing

If you’re looking for new ways to content marketing your small business, the above list is a great place to start. These strategies have been proven time and time again as effective tools for building brand awareness and increasing conversions. They are also relatively low-cost compared with other options, such as paid advertisements or SEO, which can be expensive if not managed correctly by an expert in their field.

When it comes to content marketing for small businesses, there’s no “one size fits all.” So don’t stress if these five seem irrelevant to your brand; instead, use them as inspiration for coming up with something more unique that fits perfectly into your brand (and budget).

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you want to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

5 Easy Ways to Scale an Online Business

If you’re planning to scale your online business, the first thing you need to do is make sure your website can handle it. It’s easy to focus on the design, layout, and overall feel of your site which are also important but you’ll also want to plan for long-term success. Most successful e-commerce sites are built in a way that makes scaling up easy, but if your site isn’t there yet – no need to panic. You just need to be prepared for some extra work and research before taking things further.

Research Your Target Market

  • Thoroughly research your primary and secondary target markets.
  • Understand their needs and desires.
  • Learn how they think, what they do, and where they go.

Understanding your customers and their needs is the foundation of any online business; the more you know about them, the better chance you have to keep them satisfied and return for more—and recommend your service to others.

Invite Customer Feedback

Customer feedback, both positive and negative, is essential to your online business. It helps you learn what customers like and dislike about your products or services. It also gives you insight into how they use them so that you can make changes that better serve their needs. One effective way to get customer feedback is by inviting them to provide it on your website or in a live chat system like Olark Live Chat or Zendesk Intercom Chat.

  • Offer an incentive for responding (such as a discount on future purchases)
  • Give people time restrictions for completion (e.g., one week)

Whether it’s through a survey tool like SurveyMonkey, a live chat system such as Olark Live Chat or an in-app review option like Yelp’s Check-in System, getting customers’ opinions about what works well for them when using your product or service will help guide future improvements that will give you an edge over competitors who don’t have this kind of information at their disposal!

Invest in a Live Chat System

Live chat is a great way to answer questions and engage with customers. Depending on the industry, live chat can also help you build trust and increase sales. Your customers will not only feel more comfortable asking questions or making purchases but also be able to do so in real-time, which is especially useful if they’re looking for a quick answer or don’t want to spend 10 minutes on hold with customer support. In addition, live chat allows you to improve your customer experience by providing extra help and ensuring that everyone receives personalized service at all times.

In fact, according to research by UserTesting (a user testing platform), 82% of consumers would rather hold a conversation than fill out forms when they’re trying to solve their problems online—and that number increases when people feel like they’re talking directly with someone who cares about them as opposed to having their issue passed around through several layers of employees before someone gets back to them days later!

Migrate to the Cloud

One of the easiest ways to scale your online business is by migrating to cloud hosting. Cloud hosting has many advantages, including:

  • Scalability – You can launch new products or services quickly and easily.
  • Load balancing – Your customers will always be able to access your website, regardless of how much traffic you receive.
  • Cost-effectiveness – You won’t have the high costs associated with maintaining hardware or software in-house.

Use Your Website

Use your website to its fullest potential as an extension of your online business. Provide informative content about what you do and how you do it, and make it easy for people to contact you with questions or requests.

A blog is a great way to get in front of potential clients and generate leads by providing information on topics related to your industry. Your blog can include anything from helpful articles about how to use social media correctly, tips for successful marketing campaigns, or even posts about the latest trends in your line of work.

It’s also important not only that you provide information on your website but also that visitors can easily find it. If they’re having trouble finding certain pages or sections on your site (i.e., if they don’t see any links anywhere), then they’ll become frustrated and leave without engaging with your content.

It’s important to think ahead when growing your online business

To make sure that you’re scaling your online business in the right direction, it’s important to do some research and planning.

  • Research Your Competition: As you grow, you will start to see other companies in the same field as yours. You need to know who these competitors are and what they offer so that you can stay ahead of them. What does their website look like? Do they have a blog or newsletter? Are there any partnerships with other websites or online businesses? The more information about your competitors’ companies, the better prepared you’ll be when approaching customers for new online business opportunities.
  • Customer Feedback: There are many ways for customers to provide feedback on any given product or service—from social media comments through review sites like Yelp or Facebook reviews down through support emails from clients having issues using products purchased through Amazon Marketplace (a third-party site where sellers sell products without having an actual storefront). If someone has had a positive experience with something related.

It’s important to think ahead when growing your online business, so you can make sure that you have all your bases covered. This will help you scale up quickly and efficiently once the time comes!

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Use Intuitive Insight to Improve your Life

Intuition is a powerful tool that can help you reach your goals, connect with loved ones, and live your best life. But how does it work? In this article we’ll explore what intuition is and how to use it for your benefit.

Trust yourself.

When you trust yourself, you can rely on your own internal compass to guide you. It’s like having a built-in GPS system inside of you that will point the way toward what is right for you.

Once we learn how to listen to our inner voice and trust ourselves, we can make better decisions in life because these choices are coming from a place of wisdom rather than fear or anxiety.

When we make decisions based on intuition instead of logic, they often lead us down unexpected but necessary paths that help us grow as individuals and become more self-aware people overall.

Know that your gut feeling is a wise teacher.

Your gut feeling is a good teacher. You should listen to it, and trust what it has to say. The more you learn about the power of intuition, the more you’ll realize that relying on your intuition is like reaching out to an old friend who has always been there for you.

Learn from your mistakes.

When you make a mistake, don’t be afraid to admit it and learn from it. If someone gives you feedback on something that could have been handled better or differently, thank them for their input and try to avoid making the same mistake again. And when somebody criticizes you for an action that was wrong or hurtful, take responsibility for whatever role(s) were yours in causing the situation (even if it wasn’t entirely your fault).

Take some time to listen to your gut and check in with it on a regular basis.

It’s not easy to know when to trust your intuition, but if you’re feeling a strong sense of discomfort about something, it’s usually worth paying attention. We may think we know what our gut is telling us and try to ignore it, but ignoring our intuition can lead to disastrous consequences.

Here are some tips on learning how to listen and communicate with your intuition:

  • Learn how to check in with yourself. Intuitive intelligence is all around us, so taking time to simply “feel” could help guide you toward an answer or solution that you couldn’t see before. The more aware we become of this part of ourselves, the better prepared we will be for future challenges in life that require our full attention and focus
  • Ask questions that allow space for curiosity rather than answers based on knowledge or experience alone—this allows for new perspectives on any given situation (or problem) which may lead directly into finding solutions!

Think of your intuition as the voice inside you that guides you.

Intuition is the voice inside you that guides you, and it can help you achieve your goals if you listen to what it says. It’s your inner voice, the voice of your soul. You don’t have to learn how to use intuition—it’s there naturally, but it takes practice to tap into it properly. Trusting yourself enough to follow through with any decision that comes from this inner guidance instead of what other people tell you will strengthen your intuitive abilities over time.

Learn how to listen to your intuition.

Intuition is just a fancy word for gut feeling, and it’s a skill that everyone has. But it’s one that many people don’t know how to use. We don’t realize our intuition is there until we learn how to recognize its signals and then actually follow them for once! If you want an easy way to get started with this, notice the subtle hints that appear in daily life when you go against your gut instinct—you may find yourself being late because you didn’t want to leave earlier than planned, or making decisions based on fear rather than wisdom because they’re easier than trusting yourself, or even missing out on great opportunities because they felt too risky.

  • Trust yourself more often. The first step toward trusting yourself more often is identifying situations where not following your intuition has caused problems in the past; these are called “lessons learned” by psychologists who specialize in helping people improve self-trust (and other aspects of mental health). Once you see those patterns happening again and again, consider if there’s anything about them worth changing—maybe going ahead with something despite having reservations about it would be better than missing out on something great?

Know that when you go against your intuition, it may have negative consequences.

If you ignore your gut instinct, it may have negative consequences. You may miss opportunities or make bad decisions. If you ignore your instincts, you could end up in an unsafe situation. For example, if you ignore a feeling that something is wrong with someone else’s behavior and continue to do business with them anyway, then you’ll likely find yourself dealing with problems later on.

You must also be aware that when we go against our gut instinct it can have negative psychological effects as well. The more we go against what we believe is right or wrong for us personally (our intuition) the more stressed out we become over time because our mind keeps telling us “this isn’t right!” It’s important to know not only how important intuition is but also how much value there is in listening closely to what it has to tell us!

Don’t confuse intuition with fearfulness, paranoia, jealousy, or a sense of superiority.

  • Intuition is not the same as fear. It’s not the same as insecurity or arrogance either. You can have an intuitive gut feeling that something is wrong or that someone isn’t telling you the whole truth, but it doesn’t mean they’re out to get you or that they think they’re better than you because of their status in life.
  • Learn to distinguish between your own thoughts and feelings versus those influenced by others or negative self-talk (e.g., “I’m such a loser”, “Everyone hates me”). Negative self-talk can keep us stuck in our heads instead of moving toward our goals because we’re so busy concentrating on how bad things are instead of how good we want them to be

Trust the insight of others.

Your intuition is a powerful tool. However, it can be difficult to trust your own inner voice because you might feel like you’re making things up in your head or that what you’re hearing is just simply wrong. You may also find yourself battling with self-doubt and fear when using your intuition instead of trusting the wisdom within yourself.

However, if you practice using this tool over time then it’ll become easier for you to trust your gut instinct when making decisions in life. As we mentioned before, it’s important to listen carefully so that your mind doesn’t fill in any blanks or jump to conclusions without actually processing what someone else has told you firsthand (or secondhand). This will help keep things clear and prevent misunderstandings from happening later down the road.

If you trust the wisdom of your gut instinct and learn how to listen to it, then you can use it as a powerful tool for success and happiness

Knowing how to use your gut instinct is important. It can help you make better decisions, avoid danger, and even improve your relationships with others.

So how do you do that? The first step is learning how to trust your natural instincts. When it comes to trusting our instincts, we have two options: we can either listen to them or ignore them. When we ignore our natural instincts by choosing not to listen or act on what they tell us, we’re essentially ignoring a part of ourselves—and that only leads us further away from being able to trust ourselves in the future.

If you want more control over your life and happiness levels (which I’m sure we all do), then learning how to trust yourself should be one of your top priorities. The next time you have a gut feeling, don’t ignore it. Instead, pay attention and listen closely to what it has to say. In this way, you can use your intuition to make better decisions as well as live a more fulfilling life.


Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How Entrepreneurship Changes your Life for the Better

Entrepreneurship is one of the most rewarding careers out there, but it can also be one of the most stressful. You’ll need to embrace your inner entrepreneur if you want to make it in this competitive industry, but taking that first step can be challenging. Being an entrepreneur is the first step toward financial independence, but many people are unaware of what entrepreneurship does for your health. It turns out that being an entrepreneur has positive effects on your mental and physical well-being. Here’s how entrepreneurship changes your life for the better.

1. You learn to let go of the word “busy.”

Becoming an entrepreneur will teach you that it’s okay to say no. You won’t have time for every event and social gathering, no matter how much fun they sound in the beginning. It also gives you more time to relax and enjoy life.

In addition to this, entrepreneurship forces you to make better use of your time so that even if all day long feels like busyness and chaos, at the end of each day or week, month or year, one can look back on what they’ve accomplished and realize how much they’ve really done instead of feeling like nothing got done because everything took so long.

2. They tend to spend more time with their families.

Entrepreneurs tend to spend more time with their families. Entrepreneurs are often thought of as workaholics because they’re always working on something and rarely take vacations. However, most entrepreneurs are not like that at all.

Entrepreneurs understand how to balance the demands of family and business. They may not have as much time for their friends or other interests, but since their work provides a way for them to provide for their family (and sometimes even friends), it doesn’t seem like a big sacrifice for them.

3. You get to see your own vision come to life.

Being an entrepreneur takes commitment and persistence. Well, most entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs because they want to make their own rules and do things differently. So, when you start your own business, you get to see your vision come to life. You get to be as creative as possible without having someone else tell you what works or doesn’t work for them. It’s liberating!

4. You see things from a different perspective.

You start to see things from a different perspective. You learn to see the big picture and what’s possible. You can spot potential in people and ideas that others might miss because you’ve become more aware of their perspective.

You also start to understand that sometimes you need the right tools or mindset to progress with your goals, so seeing things from another viewpoint helps give us insight into how we can reach them.

5. Entrepreneurs tend to be healthier than average.

You are more likely to be physically active as an entrepreneur. You’re also more likely to eat healthy, and less likely to smoke. In fact, you can generally expect higher self-esteem and satisfaction in your life as a result of being your own boss.

Entrepreneurs are also more likely to have strong support networks, which makes sense because they’re working hard at something they love. They have the opportunity to meet new people every day, and these relationships can contribute to better finances, too (such as through networking events).

If you’re considering entrepreneurship, we strongly recommend Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. It’s a practical guide to building positive habits and breaking negative ones. The book explains how small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements in your life and provides a step-by-step approach to making lasting changes.


7. You get to be your own boss.

Being your own boss means you get to make all the decisions. You decide when and where to work, what hours to keep, how much money you want to earn, and even how your business should operate.

This means that if you want a long weekend off or even a week-long vacation with no contact from anyone at all—you can do it! And that freedom is something many people dream about but never actually accomplish in their current jobs.

Unlike traditional employment, where there may be limits on when you can request days off, entrepreneurship allows you the freedom to self-manage.

There will be more ups and downs than you’d probably like, but you’ll learn how to appreciate each one for what it is.

When things are going well, you’ll have plenty of time to celebrate on your own terms—you won’t have to wait until your boss gets back from vacation or gives everyone Friday afternoon off because they’ve hit their sales goals for the quarter.

8. Your relationships become stronger and deeper.

Your relationships will be the first to change. Entrepreneurship is incredibly rewarding and exciting, but it also means that you will have less time for your loved ones.

Your friends might feel slightly neglected or even abandoned as you begin working full-time on your business. This can leave them feeling hurt or confused—and often leads people to question whether they should continue being friends with you.

But if you take things slow, be honest about what’s happening in your life, and communicate openly with them about it (not just when something comes up), there’s no reason why this shouldn’t be a positive experience for everyone involved.

In fact, many entrepreneurs report that their friendships become stronger and deeper once they work on their own businesses because they have more free time available to spend with those who matter most in their lives—people who aren’t necessarily interested in entrepreneurship themselves but still want to hang out with them anyways (and vice versa).

Entrepreneurship has been shown by researchers like Dan Pink at Stanford University School of Medicine as well as other business experts like Simon Sinek or Jack Ma himself (founder of Alibaba) that it improves empathy levels among entrepreneurs due to increased self-awareness which makes one more aware of how others feel around them too.

9. You’ll inspire others to pursue their dreams.

When you start your own business, you’ll inspire others to pursue their dreams and show them that there is a path to success. When someone asks how you made it, it will be easy to share with them the steps that got you there—and why they, too, can follow in your footsteps.

Not only will entrepreneurship make people feel inspired, but it can also bring happiness into their lives as well. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have any money or experience; entrepreneurs begin with nothing but an idea and end up becoming successful because of their determination and drive. They’ve seen what people thought was impossible become possible through hard work and perseverance.

Being an entrepreneur can change your life by making you happier and healthier while working on your own terms.

    If you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, we highly recommend it. Even if you aren’t sure which path to take or what kind of business to start, it’s never too soon to start planning out your future! Entrepreneurship has been shown again and again to change people’s lives for the better. So give it a shot: we’re confident this article will help inspire some plans for you.


    Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you want to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

    How to Determine Which Marketing Strategies Work Best for your Small Business

    When starting your small business, it can be tempting to try everything at once. But when it comes to marketing your business, doing too many things at once is a waste of time and resources. The key is finding out which marketing strategies work best for you and then focusing your efforts on those channels. In this article, we’ll walk through determining which marketing strategies are most valuable to your small business based on what works best for your company’s goals, mission, and objectives.

    Make a list of everything you do in your business to attract customers.

    Make a list of everything you do in your business to attract customers. Take note of all the ways you promote your business, interact with customers, track your success, and measure results.

    This will help you identify where your marketing strategies efforts are the most effective and which efforts need more work. For example, if you’re using social media but don’t know how well it’s working for you (or if it’s not), that would be worth investigating as an area where more attention is needed.

    Look for patterns and gaps in your marketing efforts.

    When looking at your business as a whole, you should also look at the big picture of your marketing strategies efforts. Look for patterns and gaps in your marketing strategies efforts. Do you find that customers are only responding to one type of communication? Is there a period during which they’re more likely to respond? Are there specific events or seasons that seem to trigger a boost in results? Use these insights when determining how best to continue reaching out to customers in the future.

    Look for resources that will help you measure your marketing strategies channels.

    To determine which marketing strategies channels are working for you, it’s essential to know what is and isn’t working. When you’re first getting started, set up tools that can help you measure your marketing channels to see how effective they are. Here are some options:

    Google Analytics




    Google AdWords (for pay-per-click campaigns)

    Facebook Ads Manager

    Assign dollar amounts to each channel based on the results of your research.

    To fully understand your marketing strategies ROI, you will also have to assign dollar amounts to each channel based on the results of your research. This will help you determine how much money a particular channel is worth and whether it should be used in the future.

    When analyzing each channel’s effectiveness, determine the cost per lead or sale (CPLS). Then, add up all of the costs associated with that particular strategy under one category called “Total Cost.” Finally, divide Total Cost by CPLS to find out what percentage of every dollar spent on that marketing strategy was profitable for your business. If a tactic doesn’t yield positive results within six months or less, stop using it!

    Don’t forget to look at customer retention, upsells, and cross-sells.

    The first thing you should do is analyze the lifetime value of your customers. This will help you determine whether or not a marketing strategy is worth implementing. The lifetime value of a customer (LTV) refers to the total profit generated from one customer over their life with your business. To calculate this, subtract all costs associated with acquiring that customer from their lifetime revenue streams (for example, if you spent $1 on advertising and they spent $3 in product purchases, then their LTV would be $2).

    Another way to measure success is by looking at how much it costs to acquire a customer and how much they spend over time. For example: if it costs $4500 per year for each new client but they generate an average income of $5000 per year after purchasing products/services from your company three times in that same year, then it’s probably worth keeping them around!

    Summarize your findings with an action plan.

    Once you’ve finished your research and analysis, it’s time to make sense of what you found. To begin the process, create an action plan template with the following components:

    • Objectives: A short description of your goals. What do you want to achieve and why?
    • Strategy: Why did you choose this strategy? How will it work toward achieving your objectives?
    • Tactics: What specific steps are included in this strategy? How will they be executed, monitored, and measured (if at all)? Which metrics are important to track during implementation — engagement, conversion rate, or other metrics?
    • Tasks: The who/what/where/when of each task involved in making this plan happen (e.g., who will be responsible for creating social media posts).

    There are many effective marketing strategies and channels you can use to promote your small business, but it’s important to know which ones work best for you.

    The most effective marketing strategies are the ones that align with your business goals, budget, and time constraints. Social media might be a better option if you want to get more customers through paid advertising but don’t have the funds available. Similarly, if you already have a website that generates steady traffic but wants new ways of reaching customers who aren’t finding their way there yet (or haven’t found it yet), then an email newsletter could be just what the doctor ordered!

    There are also other factors worth considering before choosing between one channel over another: what kind of customer base do I want? Is my target audience online or offline? How much time do I have available each week/month? These questions should influence which channels or combination of channels make sense for me as well as where else I can spend my precious resources outside of paid advertising opportunities such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads.

    If you’re a small business owner, marketing strategies can be a daunting task. You might think there’s not enough money or time to do it all, but don’t worry! The key is to start with some research about what’s working for other companies like yours and where your audience lives online. Once you know that information, it’s time to put together a plan with goals and milestones so you can measure progress along the way.

    Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you want to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

    5 Common Mistakes US Startups Make When Entering the Israeli Market

    The US market is flooded with their startups. As such, enterprising entrepreneurs are looking to overseas markets to make their millions. Many have set their sights on Israel. Below, we explore why that is and point out five common mistakes that US startups should avoid when entering the Israeli market.

    Statistics and Facts of New Businesses in the US 2022

    There are more than 70,000 active startups in the US in 2022. This proliferation of new business has its roots in former President Barack Obama’s “Startup America” program, launched in 2011. Through the Small Business Administration, the program administrated $2 billion worth of funding to promote high-growth entrepreneurship.

    Entrepreneurs looking to swerve this market saturation are increasingly turning to dynamic markets in other countries. One that is capturing many startup founders’ attention is Israel.

    Why Israel Is the Best Country to Expand Your Business (Common Mistakes)

    Israel offers economic strength, a skilled, creative workforce, and a welcoming environment for US businesses. Its gross domestic product grew by 8.1% in 2021 and its fiscal policies support growth. Thanks to Israel’s startup culture, the country already has many ties with US companies, with US firms accounting for almost two-thirds of the 300+ research and development centers that multinational companies have established in Israel.

    Environments don’t get much more welcoming. That said, expanding into a new market always has pitfalls, even for businesses with robust business growth strategies. With that in mind, here are five common mistakes to avoid when entering the Israeli startup scene.

    1. Failing to Do Research on the Israeli Market

    Common Mistakes: Market research is fundamental to any new venture, whether it’s launching a new product in your domestic market or a whole new venture overseas. The Israeli market differs from the US market, so you need to undertake market research to understand your target customers, their shopping habits, their appetite for your products, and the landscape in terms of competition. Fail to undertake appropriate market research and you’re setting yourself up to fail.

    2. Not Translating Your Online Presence in the Hebrew Language

    Common Mistakes: Launching your startup in Israel means you will need a Hebrew translation company on your side. Engaging a high-quality Hebrew translation service will provide you with the skills to connect online with your target audience.

    When you translate a document from English to Hebrew, it’s about more than language. It’s also about respecting cultural nuances, delivering linguistic quirks such as jokes and idioms correctly, and taking care of practical details such as currency and date format conversion.

    Professional Hebrew translation services can help with all of this, supporting you to deliver an online presence that’s an immediate winner in the eyes of your new potential customers. We’ve seen examples of this time and again, where firms have used translation well to get ahead.

    3. Having No Multilingual SEO Strategy

    Common Mistakes: Hebrew translation services aren’t only useful for website translation. They can also support you with developing a multilingual SEO strategy. Doing so is another essential step in successfully engaging with the Israeli marketplace.

    Like it or not, SEO can make or break your brand when it comes to launching in a new country. Simply using a Hebrew translation company to convert keyword research you’ve undertaken for the US market isn’t enough – you need to use Hebrew translation services or native Israeli SEO specialists to help you undertake SEO research specific to that target market.

    4. Forgetting to Create a CX Mapping

    Common Mistakes: Another common mistake that US startups make when entering the Israeli market not creating a CX mapping. Mapping the CX journey means walking in the customer’s shoes as they engage with the various touch points your business provides, whether online, offline, or omnichannel. Again, undertaking this in only the US isn’t sufficient – you need to do it for each market you enter.

    5. No Strategy for Your Target Market’s Cultural Preferences

    Common Mistakes: Entrepreneurs need a keen sense of cultural understanding if they want to succeed overseas. As such, you’ll need a strategy in place for understanding Israeli customers’ cultural preferences and expectations when you launch your startup in Israel. From which holidays it would be crass to discount goods to those where offers are expected (along with a whole range of other cultural preferences), you will again need to undertake thorough research if you want to maximize your chances of success.

    Final Thoughts – Common Mistakes

    Scaling a business is about far more than simply finding funding for your startup, then adding staff and opening offices overseas. As we’ve shown above, it’s about developing a keen cultural understanding, paying attention to the linguistic landscape, and undertaking thorough research, from your target market to your keywords. By avoiding the common mistakes above, you will find yourself in a stronger position when it comes to establishing your US startup in Israel.


    Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

    8 Powerful Content Marketing Strategies to Increase Brand Visibility

    In this day and age, it’s more important than ever to have a strong online presence. If you want to stay competitive, it’s crucial that you utilize content marketing strategies to boost your brand’s visibility and help it stand out from the crowd. There are many different ways to go about this, but in this post, we’ll cover 8 essential tactics that will help your brand reach new heights.

    1. Be Consistent & Go Beyond

    You can’t expect to grow your brand visibility if you don’t consistently create and promote content. It also doesn’t matter how great your content is if nobody sees it, so make sure that every piece of content you produce has a clear call-to-action (CTA) for how people should engage with it.

    Content marketing isn’t just about creating good pieces; it’s also about getting the right people to see them. To do this, you must have a clear understanding of who your target audience is and understand their interests and needs so that you can tailor your messaging accordingly.

    2. Blog Like a Boss

    Blogging is a great way to create relevant content and build trust with your audience. It’s also a highly effective way to get more links, traffic, and exposure for your site.

    If you’re looking for a way to stand out from the crowd in today’s competitive online landscape, blogging may be just what you need!

    To learn how to blog like a boss, check out these tips below:1. Start with an editorial calendar

    2. Create engaging titles

    3. Don’t be afraid of social media

    4. Be consistent

    5. Use hashtags sparingly

    6. Make sure your blog posts have a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of them

    7. Share your blog posts on social media when they’re published so people can see them in their newsfeeds instead of just having them buried somewhere in the depths of an online search engine like Google or Bing

    3. Leverage Social Media

    Social media is a great way to keep your brand front and center with your audience. Not only do you have the opportunity to build relationships with your customers, but social media can also help you stay highly visible on search engines.

    Social media marketing is also one of the best ways to get feedback from people in your industry. You can see what they like and don’t like about your company and products, as well as what they’d like to see more of in the future. You can use this information to create more content that will resonate with them!

    Social media has become an essential part of any successful content marketing strategy because it provides so many opportunities for engagement between brands and consumers–and if you use these strategies correctly, it will help improve visibility by increasing traffic from both organic search results AND paid advertising campaigns too!

    4. Invest in Video Content

    Video content is a powerful tool for your brand. It can be used in several ways, including social media, email marketing, and on your website.

    Video content is an excellent way to build trust with potential customers by demonstrating the quality of your product or service in action.

    Video content helps you stand out from the crowd because it’s more engaging than traditional text-based content like blog articles or blog posts.

    5. Optimize for Search Engines

    Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t just about having a website. It’s also a process of making sure that the website itself is optimized to be found by search engines and their users. To do this, you’ll want to make sure that your site has relevant content and descriptive titles, descriptions, and meta tags; use keywords throughout; include a sitemap; add internal links wherever possible, and create as much content as possible with unique titles. These SEO tactics can help increase visibility in Google searches and result in more traffic to your site!

    6. Improve Your Email Marketing Game

    Email marketing is a great way to reach your audience and stay top of mind. It’s also one of the most personalized ways to connect with customers, which means it can be used for everything from lead generation and building relationships with potential customers to customer retention and boosting sales.

    However, to make email marketing work for you, it’s essential that you segment your email lists into different groups: customers who have purchased from you before; those who haven’t but may be interested in buying now; people who have been interested in purchases but haven’t acted yet; etc. This will help ensure that each group receives relevant content so that they keep coming back for more—and eventually decide to buy from you!

    Creating an effective email campaign isn’t easy. It takes time and effort. But if done right, it can lead directly back through links straight into your website where visitors will convert into sales leads or loyal customers (which means repeat business).

    7. Build Your Online Community

    Building an online community is imperative to the success of your brand. An online community is a place where consumers can come together and interact with one another, while simultaneously interacting with you.

    Your audience will be able to chat about content they love, share their thoughts on how to improve things or provide feedback on products/services they’re interested in purchasing. They will also be able to engage in conversations around industry trends and best practices so that you can keep them informed about what’s going on in the world of digital marketing as well as other relevant topics related to your niche audience.

    When building an online community, it’s important that you create an environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their opinions without fear of judgment from others within the group. This means creating guidelines for posting etiquette before opening up access to everyone who joins your group (following those rules yourself).

    8. Repurpose Your Content for Greater Visibility

    The more you repurpose your content, the more people will see it. Repurposing is all about making an existing piece of content work harder for you. It enables you to reach a broader audience with less effort and time spent, making it a great way to expand your reach without having to create new original content again and again.

    Here are some ways you can repurpose your marketing efforts:

    • Make your existing content more effective by adding actionable tips or links within the body of the article that direct readers toward other relevant resources (like another blog post) that may interest them. This will increase engagement with readers and make them feel like they’re getting something valuable from reading what they’ve been offered so far—which they should! They just have no idea yet…
    • Make sure each piece of evergreen content has a strong call-to-action at the end so that readers know exactly what steps they should take next after reading something useful on one subject matter area versus another—and what might happen if those actions aren’t completed right away (e.g., “Watch this video now!”). This gives people who’ve already consumed yours or someone else’s valuable information somewhere else online another reason why they should stay engaged with whatever brand owns this particular piece of writing as well–because it could lead down several rabbit holes worth exploring instead!

    You need to constantly work at creating content that is of value to your audience.

    • Keep creating content that is of value to your audience.
    • Creators need to keep creating content that is of value to their audiences, constantly working at it in order to get better and better at it over time.

    While there are many different ways to create brand visibility, it all comes down to one thing: consistency. If you want people to pay attention to what you have to say and trust your brand, you need to do the work. You can’t expect them to come running just because they see a few tweets here and there. No, it takes consistent effort over time (and maybe even some luck) for people really take notice of what you do as well as who you are as a company or individual.


    Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

    How to Create an Effective Press Release that Gets Results

    Do you want the media to cover your company or event? You’ll need to write an effective press release. Press releases are a great way to get publicity for your business and tell customers about new products and services. They’re also easy to create with this step-by-step guide!

    Get the reader’s attention.

    The first thing you should do when drafting a press release is make sure it is attention-grabbing.

    The headline of your PR should be powerful and concise so that people will want to read more. It’s also important that the title matches the content of what follows.

    A good way to get started with writing headlines is by using a quote from your company or client as a hook. If you don’t have any quotes, try interviewing someone in your organization who can provide interesting insight into their job responsibilities or how they think about their industry; this will make for an excellent starting point for creating a strong headline.

    Also, make sure that you use all 5 W’s: who, what (and why), where, and when (or how). This helps readers understand what’s going on with every sentence in your story—it also makes it easier for them to share stories on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter!

    Develop a compelling headline.

    You’re a journalist. You want people to read your work, and you want them to share it with their friends. That means you need a good headline.

    What makes a good headline?

    • It’s different from the body of the article: Headlines are meant to be short and sweet, so they don’t have time for details or nuance—they should give readers just enough information to get them interested in reading more.
    • It’s specific: A vague headline won’t bring readers in (and could even have the opposite effect). Make sure your title is clear and concise so that people know exactly what they’re getting into when they click through to read your article.

    Use the 5 W’s and the H in the opening paragraph — Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

    The opening paragraph of your press release should include the 5 W’s and the H.

    Who is the target audience? What is the problem? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why does it matter? How does it affect me?

    Include a quote.

    Quotes are a great opportunity to add credibility, emotion, authority, and value to your press release. They’re an easy way to make your content more interesting and engaging for readers. Remember that the best quotes are always from people who have relevant expertise in the topic at hand.

    For example: An expert on the topic of automobiles could say something like “This new feature is going to revolutionize how we drive our cars!” (credibility). Or maybe you want one of your employees to say something about how excited he or she is about this new product or service (emotion). Or maybe you want someone with a lot of experience talking about why this news matters (authority). When done right, quotes can help increase reader engagement with your content while also adding some much-needed spice!

    Write your boilerplate copy.

    A boilerplate copy is the information that appears at the top of a press release. You should include who, what, when, where, and why your business is releasing this information in your boilerplate copy.

    The who section should be filled out with the name of your company (or organization).

    The What section provides information about why you are releasing this press release. This might include any new products or services being released by your business or if there is an event happening that has generated interest from the media.

    The Where section will help journalists know where they can find more information about your company and/or event taking place. It’s also important to let them know how much time they have left before it ends so they can plan accordingly for coverage on their end as well!

    Each one of these elements will make sure journalists get everything they need from a single source rather than having to hunt down multiple sources across different platforms or locations – which saves both time AND money!

    Make your content shareable by adding social media buttons to your press release and posting them on your social channels.

    • Make your content shareable by adding social media buttons to your press release and posting them on your social channels.
    • Share with the world! Once you’ve published it, don’t forget to share it with people who will find it interesting. You can do this by posting links on Facebook and Twitter or embedding newsfeeds from these sites into your site or blog via a plugin (e.g., Jetpack for WordPress).

    Choose a press release distribution service that suits your needs and budget (and check out our list of affordable PR services).

    Press releases are a great way to get your name out there and get some publicity, but they’re not always successful. Studies show that only about 20% of press releases ever receive any attention from the media! If you want your press release to be successful, you need to use the right distribution service and make sure it’s well-written.

    To pick the right distribution service for your needs and budget, check out our list of affordable PR services.

    The key to a successful press release is following best practices for press release writing, distribution, and promotion.

    The key to a successful press release is following best practices for press release writing, distribution, and promotion.

    Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your efforts:

    • Include a compelling headline in the first paragraph that answers the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) or “H” (who/what/where/when/why). You can also use an acronym such as “WHO DID WHAT WHEN WHERE.”
    • Add a quote from an expert in your field at the end of your article. This could be someone from within your company or an industry expert who agrees with your message.
    • Make sure you include links back to social media accounts so readers can easily follow along with future content related to this press release without having to go through each site separately.

    Many steps go into creating an effective press release, but if you follow the tips we’ve provided here, you can create one that will get your audience’s attention and generate results for your business or organization. If you have any questions about writing a press release or would like more information on how to distribute it properly, feel free to reach out – I’m happy to help!


    Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

    Why Grassroots PR is so Important for Small Businesses

    If you are a small business owner, you know that marketing can be a challenge. You have to compete with larger companies and brands, which have access to more resources than you do. The good news is that there are ways for small businesses to stand out from the competition effectively without breaking the bank—one of these ways is grassroots PR. In this article, we’ll discuss grassroots PR and why it works so well for small businesses. Finally, we’ll show you how you can go about doing it on your own!

    What is grassroots PR?

    Grassroots PR, sometimes referred to as guerilla marketing, is a traditional & highly effective form of organic marketing geared toward generating interest in a brand, product, or service. In contrast to other types of PR, this strategy allows you to reach out directly to your target market rather than relying on mass media outlets.

    While grassroots marketing involves using word-of-mouth communication to build brand awareness and increase sales, it doesn’t require any special skills from participants for them to carry out an effective campaign on behalf of your brand. However, grassroots publicity differs slightly in that it involves paid influencers or individuals who have already built strong audiences through their brands or social platforms like Instagram followers.

    Why does grassroots PR work for small businesses?

    Grassroots PR is cost-effective.

    Most people think a traditional press release is the only way to get their story out there, but it’s very costly and time-consuming. Grassroots PR allows you to do the same things you would do with a press release, but at a fraction of the price and effort. You can post your information on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram without paying anything except for your time spent writing up an announcement or creating graphics for them (which might take longer than writing an entire press release).

    Grassroots PR helps build relationships with customers.

    A big part of any marketing strategy is building relationships — especially when it comes to small businesses! One thing that makes grassroots PR so effective for small businesses is that they can easily interact with customers directly through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter by replying directly from those platforms instead of having someone else reply on behalf of your company which takes away from the personal connection between customer and business owner/employee(s). The more active we are as humans online through our various social media accounts, such as these two mentioned above; the most likely we’ll feel close enough

    Grassroots PR is an effective and affordable kind of marketing for small businesses.

    While there are many different kinds of PR, we’re most interested in grassroots PR.

    Grassroots PR effectively gets your name out there and creates a community around your brand. It’s also an affordable way to market your business—you don’t need a huge budget or many connections to make it work.

    Here are some other benefits of grassroots PR:

    • It helps people talk about your business online, leading to more sales and new customers.
    • Even if you’re starting with no connections or budget, you can use this technique.


    If you’re a small business owner, you know how crucial it is to stand out in today’s crowded market. But with so many competing businesses, it can be challenging to get noticed without spending a fortune on advertising. If you want your business to succeed without breaking the bank, grassroots PR is an effective and affordable kind of marketing that anyone can do. We hope this article has helped shed some light on what grassroots PR is—and how it can help your business!


    Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

    5 Unconventional Ways to Raise Money for Startups

    Your startup has been in the works for months, or even years. You’ve thought of every detail, from its name and logo to how it will be marketed and sold. You’ve even formulated an exit strategy—but now you need to raise money to get your idea off the ground. In this post, we’ll explore five unconventional ways founders can raise capital without going through venture capitalists or angel investors: crowdfunding, competitions, pitch festivals, grants, and government loans.


    Crowdfunding is a way to raise money by offering your product or service to a large number of people. The most popular crowdfunding platforms are GoFundMe, Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Crowdfunding is a great way to get validation for your business idea. If you can’t find any early customers, then no one will come back later when you’re ready to sell more products or services. It’s also useful for raising funds without having to give up equity in your business (more on this later).

    If you’re just starting out, crowdfunding may not be the best option for you because there aren’t many people who have heard about your company yet and that means there may be a limited demand for what you offer. On the other hand, if there’s already demand for what you offer (for example: dog grooming products) then crowdfunding could be worth considering as an alternative financing option. This is especially the case since investors are looking at metrics like conversion rate when deciding whether or not they want their raise money involved with projects such as yours!

    Idea validation competitions

    An idea validation competition is a competition in which you, the startup founder, submit an idea for a new product or service that you want to build. The organizers of the idea validation competition will then assess it and award one or more raise money or prizes for the most promising ideas.

    An idea validation competition differs from a pitch contest in that it does not require you to make a formal presentation on stage. Instead, your work should be judged based on how well you write about your business plan to raise money and how much research you have done into what users want in this market space.

    In addition, unlike most pitch contests which take place at events like TechCrunch Disrupt or SXSW Interactive Festival (and where every presenter gets their stage), during an ideation competition everyone’s ideas are posted online so no one feels like they’re getting lost in the crowd.

    The good news is that there are many different kinds of Idea Validation Competitions out there – some focused on specific industries like healthcare while others focus on sectors within technology such as FinTech(Financial Technology). And since these competitions are growing(raise money) increasingly popular among startups looking for funding they’re often open year-round with multiple rounds each month so don’t wait around – submit your idea!

    Pitch Festivals

    Think of a pitch festival as a cross between a job fair and speed dating. You get to meet with lots of investors and potential partners, all in one place. Pitch festivals are also great for gaining exposure for your idea—you can do it at events like SXSW Interactive or TechCrunch Disrupt that draw thousands of attendees from around the world.

    If you’re planning on applying to pitch festivals, here’s what you should know:

    • Know your audience. Who are these investors? What are they looking for? How much raise money do they have available to invest? Do they prefer early-stage startups or later-stage ones? Do they like consumer products over enterprise software?
    • Have an elevator pitch ready. Even if you’re not sure someone will ask this question outright (and many won’t), it’s good practice to have something ready just in case so that you don’t waste anyone’s time when they try asking about your idea too early on in the conversation.”

    Government grants

    If you’re looking for funding and don’t have a lot of experience, grants may be a good way to go. While grants typically aren’t as prestigious as venture capital or angel investment funding, they can provide the necessary capital to get your business off the ground. Grants are often awarded to startups that are socially responsible, environmentally friendly, or innovative.

    In order to qualify for government grants, there are certain criteria that you’ll need to meet some which include:

    The startup must be registered as a business in the country where the grant is being offered. You’ll need to have a business plan, which means you’ll need to know exactly how you’re going to use the funding and what your goals are.

    Angel investors

    • An angel investor is a person who invests in startups, generally when they are at the seed or early stage of funding.
    • Angel investors are not as concerned with financial projections and projections as VCs, but rather focus on other factors like the team or market opportunities.
    • Angel investors often invest their own raise money in startups and can also bring their professional networks to bear on behalf of your business. They may be willing to invest up to $25,000 in a company with no formal pitch deck, but expect you to have done some research about them before approaching them directly (e.g., social media accounts).
    • You can find angel investors by starting with your network (friends and family), then expanding outward based on those who have invested in similar companies previously.

    Recap: Ways to raise capital other than venture funding

    There are many ways to raise capital other than venture funding. Here are a few options:

    • Crowdfunding – A great way to get your name out there and test your product, but you have to prove that people want it.
    • Idea validation competitions – You might win raise money or be able to pitch at a prestigious event. These are great if you’re just starting out, but they can also be a distraction from focusing on making sales.
    • Pitch festivals – Same as above, but these tend to be more focused on startups with proven traction and products rather than ideas alone (though there are exceptions).
    • Government grants – Some governments offer non-dilutive funding for early-stage companies; it may take some time before these help you make raise money or even see any return on investment (ROI), but they’re an option nonetheless.
    • Angel investors/seed funds/VC funds – If you’ve already been rejected by VCs above this level then try pitching them again with more experience under your belt!

    Conclusion Raise Money

    Raising capital or raise money is a critical part of starting up your business. The more capital, raise money you have, the more resources you’ll have at your disposal and the more time you can spend figuring out how to use those resources effectively. But don’t worry—there are plenty of unconventional ways to raise capital that don’t involve selling equity or taking on debt (which could limit your ability to grow). If all else fails, crowd-funding campaigns might be a good place for startups to start when looking for funding opportunities.

    Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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