5 Essential Skills Entrepreneurs – If you’re an entrepreneur or interested in becoming one, be sure to visit my video as I share five skills every entrepreneur should have. With an increasing number of new entrepreneurs choosing now as the right time to jumpstart their business endeavors, having the right skills in place will save time, energy & money. Although I’m only sharing five here in the article & video, there are more defined skills and personal abilities that will go a long way in helping anyone on their entrepreneurial journey.
5 Essential Skills Entrepreneurs – I believe entrepreneurship is a constant state of ebb and flow. It’s a learning process that takes determination, faith, and a decent amount of personal will. Becoming a successful entrepreneur will only work if you have the right skill set and are committed to taking action. So, without further ado, here are five essential skills every entrepreneur should have to build and scale their business.
When such innovation produces new demand, wealth is created. From this standpoint, one can simply describe the function of the entrepreneur as one of merging a variety of factors in an inventive manner to generate value to the customer. It hopes that this value will surpass the cost of the input factors, therefore spawning greater returns on investment. So the main differences between entrepreneurship and small business is that the entrepreneur takes a risk and hits the ground running with the intent of immediate, and hopefully massive payoffs, whereas the small business generally starts smaller, with less risk and the income and success builds over time under very controlled planning.
Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!