Startup & Small Business - Page 10

Check out our latest entrepreneurial-driven content geared toward helping startups and small businesses grow their brands.

Epi 80: Quest FM’s Roy Washington On Enjoying What You Do


Quest FM’s Roy Washington drops in to talk about his radio show, new album & passion for promoting others — and why he enjoys what he does. A military veteran, Roy features a variety of talented individuals on his Milwaukee based music/talk show which airs weekly on

Epi 79: The “F” words: Being Fabulous, Having Freedom & Financial Independence with Genecia Alluora


Genecia joins the podcast to discuss the mission of her online community Soul Rich Woman. Helping women to embrace the “F” words: Fabulous, Freedom & Finance – Genecia is changing lives. An international empowerment platform for women entrepreneurs SRW has helped countless women take their business online.

Epi 77: Suffering In Silence: The Truth About Depression with Kenyon Glover – Pt.1

Ex-NBA player, entrepreneur, actor & producer Kenyon Glover talks about his battle with depression and how he’s been able to manage it. Kenyon’s foundation Fitness Beats Depression is geared towards creating awareness and helping those who are suffering in silence.

Epi 76: Making the Most of your Relationship with Food & Fitness with Kerry Walsh


In this episode we visit with Kerry Walsh of Fitness4U and Diet Terminator to discuss the importance of having a healthy relationship with food and incorporating fitness into our daily lives.

Episode Highlights:

  • Brittanie is a musician, storyteller, and creative – she spent a lot of her life in education and how it intersects in other spaces.
  • How Brittanie came up with the concept for Happily Better After – to help women get out of toxic relationships.
  • About the quarterly events that Happily Better After hosts themed – health and wellness, financial, creativity, and education.
  • The core topics Happily Better After touches on during mentoring and their events.
  • Sharing stories and progress gives people the momentum to keep going.
  • How Brittanie feels about practical, hands-on experience.
  • About the Creatives on Campus program and how it’s a cultivation hub for people.
  • What the mentoring process looks like with Happily Better After.
  • Brittanie is inspired by her own story and journey to keep going and growing.
  • When Brittanie finally decided to take the leap of faith to get her business off the ground.
  • About Brittanie’s musical endeavors and how they intersect with HBA.
  • The challenges Brittanie is up against fine-tuning or finalizing her concepts – three classifications:
    • The Building Process
    • The Creating Process
    • Working from the Inside Out
  • Good stewardship over whatever you have allows support and resources to be attracted to you.

3 Key Points:

  1. Happily Better After exists to help people in every aspect of their life, promoting coaching and celebrating progress.
  2. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to do a traditional college or even a trade school experience.
  3. Education becomes valuable when you can actually see how it applies.

Tweetable Quotes:

  • “I started a movement for something I was still struggling in, and it was my saving grace.” – Brittanie Thomas
  • “We pull from within our network the expertise, stories, and strengths.” – Brittanie Thomas
  • “We’re constantly engaging our students to support our teams.” – Brittanie Thomas
  • “As I see growth in myself, there’s a teaching and learning exchange that I feel responsible to.” – Brittanie Thomas

Resources Mentioned:

  • Check out Brittanie’s website
  • Find Brittanie on Instagram @HappilyBetter or @CreativesonCampus

Courage Is A Muscle – Ch 1: “Go” Is The Scariest Word In The Entrepreneurial Lexicon

Our minds possess a mechanism that functions like a central control station, tasked with overseeing the entire body, but its primary duty is to trigger action within us. It goes without saying that action is necessary for reaching your goals, even a mundane task like tying your shoelaces, driving a car, or deciding whether you want pizza or salad. All three require you to act. So do bigger decisions. Will you hang out with friends on Saturday night and catch up on old times, or will you get the much-needed rest you know you need because you’ve had an extremely tiring week and you’ve got an important pitch on Monday?

One of the reasons people settle into 9-to-5 jobs is that they feel comfortable having someone else make decisions for them, to run the show, to keep the business profitable. Branching out as an entrepreneur is the opposite: you are the sole individual responsible for the end-result of these considerations.

Think about the fitness and gym industry, for example. Many of us set goals at the start of the New Year only to lose the excitement and enthusiasm after the first couple of months. For some of us that happens in the first few weeks or even days. The fact that the fitness industry counts on unused gym memberships is an example of how expected it is that people will lose motivation and abandon their hopes of reaching their goals. In 2016 USA Today reported, “A gym membership may seem like the first step in any resolution to be healthier, but usage statistics suggest they may not, in fact, be that great of an investment. The average gym membership costs just under $60 per month, and 67% of memberships go unused.”

This business model exploits the laziness of people – and to fantastic success! So unless your dream is to create a business that caters to pure sloth, you need to retune your brain to the possibilities: the five-pound weight loss, the new career opportunity, an optimistic view of life, and so forth. When you shift from passivity to action, your life changes. You reawaken those long-dormant dreams and take control of your destiny.

Many people put off that dream for years or wait until some magical, auspicious date rolls around, such as New Year’s Day. Our list of resolutions tend to unfold like a crinkled sacred scroll, signed and ripped along the edges – you know, like in the Indiana Jones movie, except with all types of goals jotted down nice and neat and with much thought. We load ourselves up with all sorts of positive thinking toward achieving the aspirations we’ve now set for ourselves. We hit the ground running mere hours after overindulging at that New Year’s party on Third Street where we kicked back a few vodka shots and cocktails. It’s the start of a brand-new year, another opportunity to show up and do the things we’ve only dreamed about doing.

Our intentions to cross off each item on our New Year’s lists are aligned with our attitudes at that time: everything is jolly and we’re happy with all the wonderful prospects presented by a fresh start. Then we settle back into to our normal routine, our comfort zone, and the list is forgotten and we’re back to square one. While we might start off heading in the right direction and get several weeks of progress under our belts, somewhere along the way the act of doing something new becomes too much.

Even going to the gym becomes monotonous, as if we’re on an assembly line. One, two, three, LIFT. One, two, three, LIFT. We start to burn out and it’s barely mid-February. What happened to all the excitement? What happened to the promises that we made to ourselves?

The Introduction – Part 3 “Courage Is A Muscle: Embrace Uncertainty”

Here’s my first tip: uncertainty is part of the growing and learning process. Courage, on the other hand, is the quality of facing such uncertainty and finding the strength to continue. While it may seem like starting a new venture is a lofty goal and completely out of reach, this is actually the perfect time to become your own boss. All you need is a little attitude adjustment – to grasp the importance of perseverance, positivity, and courage.

I don’t know if I’d be where I am today if I’d played it safe and stuck with a traditional career. Even when I was flipping burgers or serving as the office secretary for a furniture company, in the back of mind I always knew there was something for me beyond grueling, minimum-wage drudgery. Although I didn’t have a clue about my purpose or what was in store, my heart was always telling me it was possible for me to achieve something by running my own business.

The thing is, I was good at my jobs in customer service, and that was exactly what made me believe I could do more. I was limited by the chain of command, however, and although I didn’t know what “more” meant, eventually the time came when I just had to take the leap of faith. When I finally decided to fully ditch traditional employment around 2009, I quickly went from store clerk and aspiring entrepreneur to successful entrepreneur and business owner.

I don’t mean to say you should ignore uncertainty altogether, but you should definitely question its source and whether you want to give it more power than it deserves. More often than not, the uncertainty you hear in the back of your mind is the voice of someone else or even a more fearful, younger version of yourself. Instead, learn to be guided by sheer determination and faith, regardless of the cruel, everyday reminders of what’s practical or acceptable.

Epi 74: Explode Your Expert Business with Simone Vincenzi


Simone Vincenzi is the owner of three companies which do training and investing and they have just acquired their first company. Simon’s background is in the catering industry, he has resilience and won’t take “no” for an answer. Simone talks to your host Keetria about new projects he’s working on and new tips that will help you in your own business. Simone will give you some helpful resources you can use today!

Episode Highlights:

  • Simone was working in the catering industry at age 14 and went full time around 16 – he left home at 18 years old.
  • Simone knew college wasn’t for him and he needed to forge his own path.
  • Simone moved to the U.K. to develop himself and learn what he wanted to do.
  • Simone built his experience on the ground, not in books.
  • How Simone is able to tap into his audience as an entrepreneur and get people on board.
  • How to create a deeper connection with your audience online.
  • Tips for leveraging LinkedIn for maximum visibility and audience reach.
  • Why someone might want to connect with you on LinkedIn.
  • The highlights of LinkedIn mastery and how you can get more information.

3 Key Points:

  1. It’s extremely difficult to change if you stay in the same environment.
  2. You need to let people get to know who you are on a deeper level to develop a better connection with your audience.
  3. Relationships come before business.

Tweetable Quotes:

  • “Everything we build, we have to work for it. We all have this one thing in common – we’re hungry to create a better life.” – Simone Vincenzi
  • “When you’re surrounded by the same people you’re more likely to stay the same person.” – Simone Vincenzi
  • “The most important thing to understand is that LinkedIn is a relationship game.” – Simone Vincenzi

Resources Mentioned:

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