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Best Small Business Growth Strategies for 2022


For a variety of reasons, 2021 was a difficult year for small company owners. 2022 gives a fresh opportunity to build your business, whether it was a successful or unsuccessful year for you, or if you’re just getting started. Eight small company growth methods and recommendations are included below to assist you in achieving your objectives.

Create a Successful Business Plan

You should prepare a business strategy if you do not already have one. Writing a business plan pushes you to consider different areas of your company, including your products and services, target clients (more on that later), competitors, and marketing strategy.

A business plan also aids in the formulation of revenue predictions and the setting of firm objectives. Take the time to consider all of these factors and set objectives for the year. It’s time to dust off your old company plan and refresh it with new objectives and predictions.

Boost your Online Visibility

Having an online presence is critical for future success, regardless of whether your firm is thriving offline. The eCommerce business is increasing at a rate of roughly 23% per year, and some experts predict that by 2040, online sales will account for 95% of all purchases.

2022 is the year to have a website for your company if you don’t already have one. A website may assist your firm gain reputation, expand sales capacity (particularly in the future), develop brand recognition, allow you to engage in email marketing, and much more.

Another channel you can’t overlook is social media. 45 percent of social media users said they used the platform to study companies and items, and 67 percent said they bought something they saw advertised on social media. Even concentrating on one or two social media channels where your clients are engaged might help your company grow significantly.

Quality Employees to Attract and Hire

A solid team is one of the most important components of a successful business. Quality and devoted staff may make a huge difference in the success of your small business.

According to the most recent labor data, the United States still has 10.6 million job opportunities and insufficient applicants to fill them. In reality, for every job opportunity, there are just 0.7 jobless people.

Write precise and informative job descriptions to attract great employees by letting applicants know exactly what will be required of them. Then, to make your firm as appealing as – or more appealing than – your rivals, match incentives from other businesses in your field.

This might include a welcome bonus, a hybrid work model, or other perks.

Develop a Positive Company Culture

Businesses have faced large waves of resignations in what has been dubbed “the Great Resignation,” in addition to facing financial difficulties and implementing Covid-19 safety standards.

Developing a strong business culture is one of the greatest methods to retain outstanding personnel. In 2022, make an effort to bring the whole business together for events – as securely as possible – to establish trusting connections via transparency, to have an open-door policy so workers can voice their concerns, and to be as flexible with scheduling as feasible.

Reduce Your Business’s Risks

While running a company does come with risks, having proper business insurance will protect you from serious liability risks. 75 percent of firms, according to one research, are underinsured.

There are many various forms of company insurance to consider, but general liability, workers’ compensation, and commercial property insurance are the three most important.

– Liability in general. General liability insurance protects you and your company in the event that a client, customer, vendor, or other third party is injured on your premises or while using your products and services.

– Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance is almost mandatory for all employers. It pays for medical expenses and missed earnings when employees are injured on the job or get ill as a result of their work.

– Commercial real estate. Accidental damage, vandalism, or loss of the physical structure and assets are all covered by commercial property insurance.

Make sure you have the correct sort of business insurance and enough coverage so that you and your company are protected in the event of a disaster.

Make a Marketing Investment

Invest in marketing and spread the word about your company to get ahead in these unpredictable times. In 2022, marketing must be a component of your business growth plan, but it doesn’t have to be expensive.

Utilizing social media ads, google ads, regular print advertisements, and other marketing strategies can all be effective ways to make your business known and attract potential customers.

Directing visitors to your website and establishing an email list may also be quite successful if you have one. Make marketing a priority in your budget, regardless of the path(s) you take.

Concentrate on the Correct Customers

Do you know who you’re trying to reach? Do you understand their wants, needs, and passions? If not, you should make this a high priority because you won’t be as successful if you can’t satisfy your clients’ demands.

Making customer/buyer personas is a fantastic method to get started thinking about your consumers’ problems and how to address them.

Are your products and services satisfying the requirements, wants, and interests of your target customers? Make contact with your current consumers and solicit feedback. They’re the ideal individuals to inform you how you’re doing and even provide you advice on how to better.

Make Customer Service a Top Priority

This may come as no surprise, but customer service must be prioritized in order to expand your business in 2022. If you don’t provide better service than your competition, your clients will move elsewhere.

When customers’ concerns are promptly addressed and their problems are rapidly resolved, they feel appreciated. Always go above and above to assist your clients, and make sure your employees are well-trained to deliver the finest possible service. Also, it is a good idea to get a business phone number.

Don’t forget to request reviews and testimonials, as 88 percent of purchasers trust internet reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

All You Need to Know About Choosing the Right Colors for Your Brand

Colors play a huge role in branding, without proper explanation and the use of color, you may be sending the wrong message to your audience. You may not know, but every color that you see out there, particularly in the marketing domain explains color and a story behind it. There is always a relationship between the branding colors and the message that you want to convey to your audience. Therefore, it is important to research well and then choose a color for the brand while still looking for the answer to a very obvious question “who is going to make a Logo for me”? Once you have decided on something, it is important you send over the message to the designers so they know what they are expected to do.

With the use of the right color in the logo, you can influence your audience. There is a critical influence of color on the way we see the world. In case you are planning to start a new business or maybe thinking of rebranding, it’s time you understand the impact of colors on the consumer’s behaviors.

It is time you take a closer look at how you can incorporate colors into your brand strategy by keeping the following things in mind because obviously, you do not want to mess up your branding.

Colors and Its Meanings in Branding Life (Your Brand)

First thing first, here we are going to discuss how each color indicates something and means something in marketing. The use of the wrong color can just completely jeopardize your whole branding. Nevertheless, here we go!

  1. Red: If you are looking to grab attention and get your audience excited about something, red is the color to go with. It signifies anger, comfort, love, and life.
  2. Yellow: When advertising something adventurous, travel, enthusiasm, or happiness, yellow is the color to choose.
  3. Green: Sustainability, health, knowledge, and anything educational or healthy, if your brand promotes any of such a thing, go with green.
  4. Blue: It is the color of competence, integrity, high quality, reliability, and honesty.
  5. Purple: When it is about creativity, respect, and royalty, there is no better color than purple.
  6. Pink: It signifies romance, sophistication, compassion, love, and gentleness.
  7. Black: When you have to be sophisticated, serious, and intelligent, choose black.
  8. Grey: Choose grey, if your brand is all about class, timelessness, practicality, and neutrality.
  9. White: It shows innocence, space, cleanliness, and purity.

If you are still confused about how to choose the right colors for your brand, you need to read stay here and keep reading.

5 Tips to Choose a Brand Color

  1. Create Your Brand Identity

The colors that you choose for your brand say a lot about you, we have already discussed it before. However, you need to understand how the colors reflect your brand identity. They are one important part of your whole identity and how you should go about it. The whole palette explains your values and the message that you want your brand to communicate. In order to reach this point, you need to first explain your brand identity.

The most common practice that is followed normally is listing all adjectives that explain your brand character, list them as if you are talking about a person in general. Ask questions to yourself and see what perception you want of your brand in your customer’s minds. What is that thing that differentiates you from the other brands in your industry?

2. Explore the Meanings of the Colors

The industry you are in and the message you want to send over to the customers is the deciding factor in the overall branding. However, you must understand that colors are not the exact science and there is no particular equation that can accurately explain what the color defines. And this is where we make the use of the color combinations. If your message does not come in the palette of regular colors, it is time you make some right combinations.

As we have already discussed colors, explain the brand message therefore, proper study and research should be done to ensure you are on the right track. In order to understand, if you have chosen the right color for your brand you need to think of the differences in the meanings of the different shades when combined with the other colors. Blue alone may show something else but when combined with another color, it would mean something else.

Following industries use these colors in order to signify the right meaning.
a) Food industry: You would see most of the logos of the restaurant industry in the warm tones, one of the reasons is because they attract attention and hunger. Colors like yellow, red, and orange are a few of the many colors that are used for this purpose. However, when the brand is all about nutrition and health, green is the color that most brands use for their identification. And of course, pink and blue for the desserts and sweets.

b) Health and wellness: When we talk about health and wellness, cleanliness is the first thing that comes to your mind and nothing represents cleanliness better than blue color. The blue color shows responsibility and trustworthiness. Other colors to choose from are green and orange as they represent nature and wholesomeness.

c) Fashion: If your brand is all sophisticated and elegant you MUST go with the black color. No fashion brand can ever go wrong with the black color. You would be surprised to see how black and white are the most classic colors and they are always the safest choice. Nevertheless, you can also go with pink, red, and orange as well to show excitement, passion, and confidence as well.

d) Technology: You would most see blue color when it comes to advertising technological products. The color symbolizes intelligence, efficiency and trust. Moreover, you can also use orange as well as it is more friendly and optimistic. Other than this, purple also stands for creativity and quality.

3. Look for Inspiration

There must be a story behind your brand? Or a reason why you started it? Or something that must have influenced you to begin your brand. When you are working on branding your brand, you need to look for the reasons why you started the brand, what was the initial inspiration for you. It would help you decide your brand colors. Look through the colors your competitors are using the palettes they go through and try to think of their pattern. We are not in any way recommending you to copy their theme or influence, but you should look for inspiration from them. You both are in the same industry and nobody can guide you better than someone who has already been in your shoes. Think of all the lessons that you can take from their color choices, and the ways you can be different from them.

4. Choose the Main Color

Once you have taken all the inspiration from the competitors, it’s time you decide on the main color. The primary color will later then decide the whole palette for the brand. Such as the primary color for Tiffany’s is blue, you would see different shades of it in their whole branding. The same goes with the brands like Pinterest and Facebook, there is always so much that you can do with your primary color. The only thing is how you choose to do it.

Choose one main color that you think explains your business the best and their meaning is perfect for a brand. In order to reach the final color, you can try o the different colors and then choose the one that goes with the brand the best.

5. Choose Secondary Colors

You cannot depend on a single color for your whole branding, as good as it looks sometimes you have to choose other colors as well for the same purpose. When you have chosen the final color, look for the combinations and the colors that make the best combination with the primary color. You can choose more than one for it and then make sure the meaning of the combination is not confusing for your customers. It might be tricky for you but once you have decided on the whole palette everything later becomes easy.

Wrapping up!

Going with a branding color only because it’s your favorite is one irrational decision, you should know the science behind all the colors and understand why should it go with your brand. Most brands make the mistake of going with the colors only because the color is trending or the vibe of the color is good. It is not recommended at all. Changing your branding, again and again, is not possible therefore it is important when you are taking an initial step you should know when and how to go about it. The color you choose for your brand says a lot about you as it has a strong subconscious impact that most people do not know about.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Things to Consider Before Hiring Developers


When you employ developers for your company, you may save the burden of recruitment. There are several things you may do to prepare for the procedure. Here are some ideas to help you get started with your planning. In and of itself, recruiting in the software sector is difficult. According to a Forbes report, there may be a developer scarcity in the industry. So, finding great talent to recruit might be difficult.

So, if qualified developers are already rare, where do you look for them? Or, to put it another way, how can you compete in terms of remuneration with significant IT firms?

You may always prepare for the recruiting process to relieve some of the stress. Before you hire developers, there are a few things you can do to prepare.

Before you hire developers, keep these things in mind.

Hiring requires more than just placing a job ad. When a result, think about these items ahead of time as you recruit software engineers, both before and during the process. These pointers may even make hiring easier for you and your company.

1. Get your company’s name out there.

Do you want to compete for top talent with other significant corporations? To improve employer branding, brainstorm with your marketing and human resources teams. Potential applicants will approach you for opportunities if everything is done correctly.

Present your organization as a wonderful place to work in order to achieve this. Make a point of emphasizing your company’s culture and ideals.

Also, avoid placing anything in front of your new job that can jeopardize your integrity. Otherwise, if word comes out that you were dishonest in promoting your organization, your reputation may be jeopardized.

2. Familiarize yourself with the software development cycle.

This will allow you to assess how well the person will fit into your workplace. In addition, applicants can assess their ability to perform successfully on the job. This reduces the chances of new recruits quitting after onboarding because their expectations were not met.

3. Clearly define qualifications.

What technical skills are required for this position? What kind of experience do you think qualifies as relevant? Is there anything specific you’re looking for in terms of soft skills? Before you submit the recruiting notice, you must address these critical questions.

Many failed hiring occurs as a result of businesses failing to properly define what they require. This may lead you to recruit developers who do not fit the culture of your company or who do not perform effectively on the job.

As a result, make a list of the qualities that are required for the position. You may also make a list of desirable talents to assist you in reaching a compromise in various scenarios.

4. Make a detailed job description.

While hiring developers, be cautious when establishing the job description. Make sure precise duties and responsibilities are listed for the potential applicant to evaluate.

Any company-specific needs, such as technology to be employed on a certain assignment, should also be included. You may also customize the position’s details.

For instance, if you require the role to work on a shift that corresponds to a different time zone. This may appear to be extraneous information, yet it might play a significant role in an applicant’s choice. It can also play a role in the retention of new hires.

5. Make a plan to assist in the verification of credentials and portfolios.

This is a piece of cake if you have a well-established HR department. However, if you’re still a small business, it could be tempting to skip over the applicant’s qualifications. However, even if you opt to engage freelance developers, this must not be the case.

Now, to make things easy for you, seek assistance from the staff. You may start with react interview questions when interviewing people and even ask the help of experienced developers to check credentials and portfolios. Because they have the technical expertise, they know who’s who.

Also, be sure you arrange the applicant’s credentials to be verified. It’s important to keep in mind that candidates may misrepresent themselves. As a result, it is preferable to be comprehensive during the recruiting process.

6. Prepare an evaluation of technical skills based on real-life events.

Create a test utilizing real-life challenges to assess how well a candidate fits within your business. You may look back at prior projects to see what troubles you had and try to replicate them.

Request that the candidate address the problem for you during the technical skills evaluation. Inquire about their solutions throughout the interview. This way, you can get a sense of how they operate and see if they fit your expectations.

7. Have a recruitment consultation lineup

Do you believe you aren’t qualified to acquire coding assistance? Then seek for persons with whom you may consult during the hiring process. These folks might be industry contacts or senior developers on your team.

There is no shame in seeking assistance. So, anytime you hit a stumbling block in one of your activities, ask them to assist you.

8. Look into the developer rate standard in the business.

Because good developers are in high demand, you’ll need to make a compelling employment offer. To make this happen, conduct some studies on industry salary and benefit requirements. After you’ve received an estimate, you’ll need to determine your budget and devise a strategy for presenting the offer.

Before hiring coders, do your homework.

The expense of hiring new personnel might be significant. It extends beyond the remuneration and perks you provide. However, you must also consider the costs invested prior to finding the suitable developer.

As a result, it’s important to be as informed as possible while hiring software engineers. And with these pointers, you’ll be more equipped to deal with the obstacles of recruitment. Take note of what relates to your scenario and tailor the rest of the advice to your needs.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Manage Your Own Marketing Department


Marketing departments can be expensive for startups and small businesses. Because it is vital to ensure your business is visible and accessible to the right people at all times, many small businesses tend to go beyond their budgets on marketing departments.

For those who aren’t familiar with the industry, it may seem overwhelming to get started. But with these helpful tips from Keetria, you can be on your way to managing your own marketing department.

What Are “Channels” in Marketing Terms?

Companies use marketing channels to send out their messages to consumers. Marketing channels are essential in order to reach as many customers as possible with a particular message.

Marketing channels can be both offline and online. They can include anything, from phone pole advertising to email marketing. For email marketing, for example, consider using eye-catching subject lines and include content that addresses consumer needs.

It is important to select the channels that best suit your brand and business model. To get the best feedback, you should test several different channels at once. These channels can be used to direct your marketing department efforts.

What Is “Messaging” in Marketing Terms?

Many industries use messaging in marketing. It describes the communication your company has with customers. This type of communication is meant to keep customers trusting you and to encourage them to take the next step in their conversion or sales journey.

It’s much more than simply communicating with customers. It’s about creating meaningful messaging to influence customers’ behavior over time. It’s also about getting the customers excited enough so that they take action via the channels you provide.

How Can You Tell if Marketing Worked?

Did your marketing campaign work? Marketing department can be complicated, especially when you are trying to reach new people. You can use five methods to assess whether your marketing campaign is successful.

  • Traffic to websites has increased
  • Increase in social media interaction
  • Always positive feedback from clients or customers
  • Sales or conversions increase
  • Value your own feedback

Effective Marketing Strategies

Marketing campaigns are crucial to any company’s success. Marketing strategies are essential to growing your customer base. You can get help from a professional marketer if you need it. Here are some tips for those who want to do it on their own.

Find Your Target Market

Before you can create a marketing campaign, it is important to identify your target audience segment. You can identify your target market’s needs and provide the products or services they need by conducting market research.

Protect Yourself

The Marketing Department doesn’t count for much if you fail to safeguard your customers’ financial information (as well as your own). So make sure you’re implementing tough measures to protect your business – and your customers – against cyberattacks. With new strains of malware and viruses popping up constantly, routinely updated patches are a must if you want to safeguard financial information from hackers, as well as facilitate data recovery.

Create a Marketing Budget – Marketing Department

Before investing in any marketing strategy, you should create a Marketing Budget. The campaign should be considered for how many people it will reach, how often it will appear, and how long. If you’re launching a new product, a marketing budget will help you stay within your means.

Use Different Types of Media

Social media is one of the best ways to market your product. You can reach millions of people through social media, and they will share your content easily on their profiles. This will generate a positive buzz around your business.

Different media types, including pictures, videos, and text posts, can be used to increase engagement on social networking sites.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, business consultant, and lifestyle wellness coach with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, media personalities, and entertainers. If you have a question or would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

3 Areas That Require Careful Consideration When Relocating for Work

If you find yourself needing to relocate for your career, you may feel overwhelmed by all the things you must do. That’s why Keetria has put together the following guide, including three of the most important aspects to consider when moving for work.

1. Finances

Data show that half of the job-related relocations are in pursuit of career advancement or a higher salary. Use your projected earnings to determine what monthly payment amount is affordable. Use your current savings and equity to determine a reasonable down payment amount. Check your credit score and speak with a lender to determine the actual loan amount you are eligible for. Documents your lender may require for pre-approval include:

  • Banks statements
  • Tax returns
  • Recent pay stubs
  • Letters documenting any amounts gifted to you

Look at the median and average home prices in neighborhoods near your new job. If you can’t afford a home very close to work, look at homes a little farther out. Keep in mind the time you will spend commuting as well as gas money and wear on your vehicle. Don’t forget that renting may be a better option in some markets, especially if the job is not a permanent position. Luckily, there are plenty of great apartments in Denver CO to fit your budget. Such sites generally have filters so that you can sort by price, location, bedrooms, bathrooms and square footage. Whether you are renting or buying, a real estate agent familiar with the area can offer invaluable advice and help you find the right residence.

2. Other Household Members

If you have family members or pets living with you, their needs can add an extra layer of complexity to the move. The quality of the local school district may affect where you choose to live. Research schools online. If you have contacts in the area you are moving to, ask about their experiences with the district.

If you have pets, find a new vet close to where you are relocating. Locate the nearest emergency animal hospital as soon as you can, and get or transfer all records from your current vet.

On moving day, pets and kids have different needs from adults. Pack up comfort items separately so that they are easy to find and pull out when needed. Set up a safe room for pets at both the old and new houses, so they don’t escape during the packing and unpacking. Provide kids with offline toys and games to keep them occupied before the internet is connected.

3. Packing and Moving

Unfortunately, there are many things that can go wrong on moving day. Monitor the weather to avoid surprises. Make sure all items are packed safely. Complete all necessary repairs beforehand, so the house is functional when you arrive. Purchase and organize supplies early so that you don’t have to spend time looking for them.

There are professionals available to help the move go smoothly. Packers and movers help all your items get to the new house safely. Locksmiths change the locks so that your family is secure in the new home. Read reviews and ensure any professional you hire is fully insured and provides a satisfaction guarantee.

  • Check out this Moving Checklist Guide from

Relocating for work can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, a little planning goes a long way toward ensuring the move goes smoothly for all involved.  

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Attractive Company Perks Prospective Employees Would Love and Appreciate

When looking for a job nowadays, prospective employees look for more than just a job description. In fact, a huge drawcard for attracting talented employees is the perks (or company benefits) offered. And because we are all getting used to a new way of doing things, company perks are taking on a whole new meaning. Hence, if you own a business and are looking to implement never-heard-of-before company benefits that your employees will marvel at, Keetria presents a few examples that can help get you started. 

Limitless vacation time

Indeed, this would sound like a dream job perk for almost everyone. Furthermore, it should attract top talent from everywhere and is one way of gaining access to a select talented pool of prospective job searchers who may have gone looking elsewhere for better company perks had you not offered this. Of course, employees are obliged to work the required number of hours in order to be eligible for this. Nonetheless, unlimited vacation time is an eye-catching company perk that won’t go unnoticed. 

Health and wellness days

Sure, this may have been around for some time. However, the need for health and wellness benefits is still just as relevant today as it ever was. In addition to standard on-site gym facilities, why not offer a variety of options to your employees to ensure you’re catering to a wide variety of interests. You could also offer access to counselors for mental health issues, given the significance placed on mental health recently. 

Extended parental leave

For most working parents, having the option to apply for an extended leave when they need it could literally save the day for them and is sure to be very much appreciated and valued. Furthermore, offering the option of flexible work times is also sure to be a valuable company perk that many working parents would give anything to have access to. 

If you have many sports fanatics working in your team, then offering tickets to the next big game is sure to get people excited about working for you. Look online to purchase tickets in bulk and you could end up saving quite a bit in the process. In addition to this, employees will also have access to tickets to watch the Houston Astros on an ongoing basis, as well as the option to also view spring training sessions live. 

Scholarships for the next generation

Here, we’re referring to offering scholarships for employees’ kids who require some financial assistance to get into college. This could be based on employee performance to determine the most deserving winners of such a scheme. 

Not just company lunch or dinner reimbursements

Instead of just offering the odd lunch or dinner reimbursement for employees treating clients to a meal on the house, why not take it a step further and offer employees reimbursements on their vacation expenses too? Here, the choice is yours as to what you would incentivize. Nevertheless, even a small gesture like this can go a long way in retaining employee loyalty.

Benefits that are not the norm

Indeed, the landscape of jobs has changed dramatically. Prospective employees are searching for something different when it comes to landing a job. Even more than this, they are looking for company perks that are a little different from the norm (and way more exciting) to convince them to commit to a job long-term. Failure to implement such changes could mean that you risk losing outstanding talent to other companies. And who would want to risk that?

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

7 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes SMBs Make and How to Avoid Them

7 Ways SMBs Shoot Themselves in the Foot with Shoddy Cybersecurity

There are mistakes you can afford to make and then there are the mistakes you can’t – the cybersecurity-related mistakes invariably fall in the latter category. Cyber-attacks on small businesses shot up by 424 percent last year, reports Hacked, with insider-related incidents costing an eye-watering $7.68 million in damages on average!

Needless to say, not all SMBs can afford to lose a few million bucks. And, indeed, 60 percent of companies go bust within six months of a data breach. If you’d like to avoid this fate, you need to learn from other people’s goof-ups – it’s a survival imperative at this point.

In this mini-guide, Keetria presents the most damaging mistakes SMBs make with their cybersecurity, and how you can avoid them:

#1 Not educating employees

Security breaches are caused by human errors 88 percent of the time, says SHRM. Even the best security setup on the planet can’t save you if the people manning the stations don’t understand basic threats and how to avoid them. Invest in your employees, educate them on threats, and make clear your expectations regarding do’s and don’ts.

  • Research common attack vectors like phishing, keylogging, and click-baiting.
  • Understand common attack targets like data, money, identity info, and infrastructure.
  • Instruct on and implement best practices like authentication.

#2 Only using basic antivirus software

Relying on Microsoft Defender (a pre-installed program on Windows) to keep your individual systems safe is not a bad idea – to an extent. It needs to be backed up by other security measures. Good cybersecurity works in layers. If one layer fails, the others can pick up the slack. Some other layers to implement are multi-factor authentication, firewall, networking monitoring, private WiFi, and active monitoring solutions.

#3 Not testing your security setup

You may think your security setup is airtight – but is it really? The only way to be sure is to perform penetration testing. Pen testing is a simulated cyber-attack by a white-hat hacker that identifies weak links in your armor. You can patch up any holes found, essentially, to make your security truly airtight. Doing pen testing routinely is best.

#4 Giving employees too much power

If you owned a building, would you give your employees the keys to every room and door? Unfortunately, too many do just that when it comes to their virtual setup. The security best practice is to give your employees only the level of access they need to do their jobs, no more. Even if you trust them, they’re only human and may leave their keys lying around somewhere.

#5 Being slow to update

Even the biggest companies have trouble keeping their systems updated, for various reasons. Not unexpectedly, this provides hackers a window of opportunity to infiltrate their systems. Frequent patching is necessary if you want to eliminate newfound weaknesses in your security setup. To help, create an online calendar so your team can keep track of when systems have been updated. When looking into an option to create a calendar planner, find one that allows you to easily leave sticky notes or comments to members of your team in case you need to leave any special instructions.

#6 Believing you’re not vulnerable

Don’t fool yourself into thinking bad things only happen to other people, and your business will just happen to fly under the hackers’ radar. Vulnerability attracts hackers, like soon-to-be carrion does vultures. Safeguard yourself and prepare for the worst for the best outcome.

#7 Not having a recovery plan in place

A cyber-attack is not a possibility, but an eventuality. Your business will likely be attacked at least once in the course of its lifetime. Not having a recovery plan in place to do with it is asking for trouble. Not only could it cost you productivity, but it can and will destroy your reputation. No customer wants to do business with a company that doesn’t protect their data.

An effective data recovery plan allows you to quickly remove threats and resume operations. The plan should identify which applications you’ll need to recover first, define time objectives, and appoint individuals to be involved in the recovery efforts. PR management to protect your reputation is also a good idea. “Disaster recovery” is a key cyber security data protection best practice.


Hackers are getting more intelligent and technologically capable by the minute. Prevention is the best cure – the only way to stay ahead of them is to invest time and energy in learning about the latest countermeasures and continuously shore up your cybersecurity setup. Be prepared and stay safe.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Build a Team of Freelancers

Remote working is continuing to grow, and it’s estimated that 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely by 2025. Here are a few tips to help you build a successful team of freelancers. 

Consider Nearshoring

While outsourcing allows you to hire freelancers located anywhere in the world, nearshoring usually involves working with freelancers from countries located nearby, such as the Dominican Republic, and therefore a  similar or close enough time zone. This lets you increase efficiency by maintaining a similar daily workflow.

Post on Online Job Boards

To find freelancers, post a job listing with information about the available position. If you have a specific country in mind, you can often find job boards for that location. In the Dominican Republic, for example, it’s possible to hire freelancers via the online job portal Workana.

It’s also important to be industry-specific. That means posting job listings in places where they will be seen by relevant talent. There are job sites geared towards specific fields, from cryptocurrency to social media. Pick those most in line with the position you are looking to fill.

While a portfolio or work samples are helpful, you’ll still want to have a Google Meet, Zoom, or FaceTime call to learn more about each candidate.

Schedule Weekly Check-Ins

Be sure to schedule at least one video call a week with your freelance team when possible. Remote teams using video conferencing can build better relationships.

Establish Communication Lines

Be clear about how you’ll communicate with your team. While there are numerous social messaging channels, it’s better to try and keep workflow on email or in a messaging channel such as Telegram. Depending on the size of your team, you may want to have a Discord channel or set up Google Meet to make sure everyone is aligned.

There are a few options when it comes to paying freelancers. First, you’ll create a contract or negotiate a rate based on your needs. This can be hourly or a fixed fee delivered on a project basis. You’ll need to also discuss a timeline for payments. Consider using a money transfer service such as Remitly to ensure low fees and reliable transactions. Remitly can help you avoid high transfer fees, and instant payments to the Dominican Republic are free for first-time transfers.

Form an LLC

You’ll need to handle some logistics and admin work before you begin hiring freelancers. Depending on the amount you need, you might want to consider forming an LLC. An LLC is a limited liability company and comes with many benefits that are useful to a small business.

The amount of time it takes to form an LLC and the regulations associated with doing so differs depending on the state in which you’re planning to register. Formation services can help you with paperwork and other logistics associated with incorporation, such as ensuring you file the correct documents. They can also save you expensive lawyer fees.

Build a Team For Success

Every great idea needs support to come to fruition. Hire a team of freelancers to help you accomplish your vision. Utilize the internet to connect with talented professionals around the world. It takes a team to achieve success, and now you can choose the one that’s right for you.

Explore Keetria for more entrepreneurship insights and tips.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Late Payments: Simple Prevention and Handling Measures for Small Businesses

Nearly 40% of invoices are paid late. Although late payments on goods provided are almost guaranteed to happen, this can wreak havoc on small businesses already struggling through the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can help prevent late payments from happening. When they do occur, you can take some steps — including those presented below — to manage the situation without damaging your relationship with your customers.  

Communicate Effectively  

Effective communication with your customers is essential to stay on top of payments and handle them when they do occur. Most importantly, you want to ensure communication takes place without error. 

For example, double-check that customers understand verbal communications by summarizing the conversation at the end. Always ask the customer if they understand and whether they have any additional questions.

Pay Attention to the Contract Details 

Writing a clear contract is one of the best ways to prevent late payments. Pay attention to details when writing customer contracts to avoid confusion.

A few essential details to include in your contracts are:

  • Important dates: Contract creation and expiration dates, dates contract was signed, and (if applicable) dates of goods provided, alongside payment due dates.
  • Involved party’s information: The name and contact information for both you and the customer.
  • Payment terms: When and how payments are to be made.
  • Late payment terms: What happens when payments are late.
  • Contract termination terms: When, why, and how the contract can be terminated before its expiration date.

Make the Invoicing Process as Easy as Possible 

Invoicing doesn’t have to be complicated. You can use financial API bank account balance software, such as Plaid Balance, to help make the process smoother. Plaid Balance allows you to verify (in real-time) whether customers have the money to pay for your services or products. You get peace of mind knowing you can receive on-time payments. Your customers get peace of mind knowing they can avoid hefty fees because the funds are available. It’s a win-win situation. 

Create a Late Payment Plan (and Stick to It) 

Establish a late payment plan, stick to it, and make it transparent for customers. Generally, fees are added to balances once they remain unpaid after their due dates. How much those fees are and when they’re imposed are your choice. 

If payments are very late, you may need to send the account to a collection agency. When you choose to do this is up to you, but some experts recommend waiting at least 90 days. Try communicating with a customer before sending the account to collections. Let them know it’s coming up, and ask them to reach out to you, so you don’t have to take this step. 

You Can Prevent and Handle Late Payments

Late payments are an unfortunate reality that can significantly impact the financial well-being of small businesses already struggling after the pandemic. Thankfully, the information above can help you prevent late payments from happening and handle them when they do occur. 

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Should You Refinance Your Student Loans?

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Refinancing Your Student Loans

When you refinance student loan debt, you’re effectively trading your old loans for a new one. Student debt refinancing, on the other hand, isn’t for everyone. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of refinancing student loans.

Student Loan Refinancing’s Advantages

Your interest rate will be reduced.

If you refinance your student loans, you may be able to get a cheaper interest rate. Depending on the size of your loan and the new loan conditions, you might save thousands of dollars. Let’s imagine you have $50,000 in student loan debt with a 7% interest rate and a 10-year repayment period. You would save $8,918 if you could refinance that amount at a cheaper rate of 4% for the same period.

Pay off your school loans as quickly as possible.

You may be able to pay more toward the main loan sum since you are paying less interest on your student loan.

Make handling your student debts easier.

Student debt refinancing is a type of consolidation. Refinancing student debts consolidates several loans from various lenders into a single loan. This implies only one payment each month and only one due date. This might help you avoid late fines and missed payments.

Make your monthly payment smaller.

You may be able to get flexible repayment terms from some private lenders. If you pick a longer payback period, your monthly payments may be cheaper. Keep in mind, though, that the longer your term, the more interest you’ll pay.

Remove a cosigner from your student loan.

If a parent or other family member cosigned your student loan when you were in college, they may wish to get rid of it. If your present lender does not provide or you do not qualify for a cosigner release, refinancing the loans will delete the cosigner because it is a new loan.

Look for a new loan servicer.

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by your current student loan servicer, refinancing may be able to help. Look for lenders with great customer service ratings.

Allow a cosigner to be released.

If you have a cosigner on any of your current private student loans, refinancing them usually relieves your cosigner of any future obligations.

Cons of Refinancing Student Loans

You will no longer be eligible for student debt forgiveness.

If you convert a federal loan into a private loan, you will no longer be eligible for PSLF if you work as a teacher, nurse, lawyer, or other public servant. This includes the possibility of a large-scale cancellation of federal student debts, as has been advocated. Student loan forgiveness through the Department of Education is not available for private student loans.

There are no income-driven repayment programs available for private student loans.

If you have federal student loans, you may be eligible for a repayment plan based on your income. This is a method of tying your monthly payment to a proportion of your monthly income. Income-driven repayment programs are not available for private student loans. This option is no longer available if you convert a federal loan into a new private loan.

Private student loan deferments are not as liberal as federal student loan deferments.

There are methods to delay student loan payments if you have federal student loans. These safeguards allow you to defer payments temporarily if you are experiencing financial difficulties or if you lose your job (for up to three years). If you refinance your federal loans, you may have fewer alternatives or may not be eligible for any forbearance or deferral at all, depending on your lender.

Variable interest rates may rise in the future.

You have the option of student loan refinance with a variable or fixed interest rate. If you choose a variable interest rate on your new loan instead of a fixed one, the interest rate may rise over time. Variable interest rates are tempting because they begin lower than fixed interest rates. If you are certain that you will be able to pay off your student loans promptly, a variable rate loan is the best option.

For federal student loans, you will forfeit your grace period.

You will lose the grace period if you are just graduating and refinancing federal student loans. A grace period is a period of time after you leave school or graduate when you are not required to make payments. It normally lasts six months.

Refinancing is not available to everyone.

When it comes to refinancing student loans, there are a few standards to meet. Lenders have different criteria, but most will demand steady work, a degree, a minimum amount to refinance, a credit score of 650, and a debt-to-income ratio of less than 50%. It’s time to determine if student debt refinancing is best for you after reading the benefits and drawbacks. If you decide to refinance, be sure to shop around for student loan refinancing lenders to ensure you receive the best deal.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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