Digital marketing strategies

The Highlights of Mobile Application Marketing


Mobile App Overview

Of consumers 18 and older, 85 million of them visited an app on their Smartphone related to retail sales during the month of July 2012. Another very telling statistic regarding holiday season sales and the way they are drifting to mobile applications is a day after Christmas statistic from last year. 11.3% of ALL sales came from mobile devices on that date last year. To really envision the power of that you must not think it is a “mere” one tenth of what is happening revenue-wise; but pay attention that just by having the virtual doors open, these stores generated traffic.

When a buyer is rotating through a purchase cycle that compels and steers them, comparing and reviewing different objects for sale is one of the most important attributes for the vendor. So if someone who is very tech savvy has something in the palm of their hand that they can make a final purchasing decision on, and it can connect even while they are sitting in the park, it’s something big in terms of modern delivery in marketing.

Key Benefits of Mobile Apps

There are some obvious and not so obvious ways having a mobile app for your business can generate foot traffic as well to your retail door, where you want them. If you are not only developing a mobile app but partner with companies that use tracking for their ads, a consumer can be browsing on their smartphone and be reminded that you may be slashing prices for Father’s Day, or just because you feel like it.

Without smartphone apps, the customer only sees these teasers when they are sitting at home. When the customer is engaged while they are on the go, you can trigger buying impulses with sales and the fact that they are simply in your neighborhood already. This is actually very revolutionary and exciting; in the 1980s when companies would have killed to be stealth high tech but weren’t quite there, engaging customers with ads on hand held devices would have had the shrewdest marketing icon jumping with glee. Of course these traffic and ad generators will charge your company money, but if you have designed or mass produced something of real value, you are going to join the ranks of the very satisfied if you coordinate your plan with diligence.

Why Mobile App Marketing

When browsing for products they are interested in, looking at reviews is another high ranked benefit for having your business go mobile. In the beginning, there were some websites that did work for browsing and purchasing that were not “apps”, and there still are a few. The text was smaller and the calls to action may not have been as obvious, but you could at least scroll through the inventory and see what appealed to you. Once an app is designed that really meshes with the type of thing you want to sell, the buttons are attractive, and the application moves faster because it’s optimized for smartphones instead of a regular URL.

Its true these days that just having a store locator will stoke the memory of the customer and their desire to explore the city, and let’s face it, people don’t rig up their laptops for use in their car much anymore. The smartphone draw has appealed to millions, and when you streamline and perfect an app, as long as your customer service sector is up to par, you will reap many rewards. Amazon, Kindle, Facebook, Pinterest and many more have lead the way to a climate where people like doing things with ease, and this climate will only get more and more modern by the day. If you hear your name being called, it is; the call to action of getting an app for your business soon.

Facebook; Using the Social Media Application to Engage Current + Future Clients


Why Facebook

There’s tons of buzz about Twitter, Pinterest, and even using apps like Instagram to promote your business and engage current or future clients. Twitter is growing by the day, and many celebs have already unofficially made the move to it as the preferred way to blast their opinion, or current happenings.

The reason why we’re going to focus on Facebook in this article is that while changing every day; it is still one of the “go to” or iconic hotspots in the social media industry, the one that supposedly “almost everyone” is a member of. Also, with Facebook, business pages upload photos very easily, and video as well. If you choose to allow comments, your friends and customers talk about what they like, what they may buy, and the points of interest of your products.

Get in the Game

I recently spoke with someone who was hesitant to put his business on Facebook because he was looking at the TV channel “AMC”, who has a very prominent Facebook and social media presence.

While looking at the page, he saw a lot of negative feedback. There were fans and other people commenting on posts very negatively, things like, “We don’t give a crap about Mad Men, only Breaking Bad!” Or: “It really sucks that you guys have so many commercials now instead of content!” Let’s look at a few things. AMC, whether you love or hate them, has plenty of content. Trust us. They do. They put money into it, they shoot it, produce it, and it is above average. If a few folks make bad comments, it does not matter. They will be buried soon by other comments and frankly, life goes on with your startup or business.

This individual was afraid to put his business on Facebook because he didn’t have the time to field negative comments and the like such as “Used your business, didn’t do anything for me”. Well, revolutionary brands like Sony and Verizon have had people complaining about them, but they still need an online presence and generate tons of revenue. DO NOT worry about petty folks who comment all day and try to drag you down.

Whatever product or service you’re marketing, eventually as long as you do not have a home office in a dank dungeon and provide some form of reliable craft, these things really do iron themselves out. A lot of business owners are hesitant to get on Facebook because they picture it as just gossip; things they do not care about being updated in the news feed. Sometimes when you are using Facebook to engage clients, it is hard to track the results. Let’s say you run a pet grooming business.

Ideas for Utilizing Facebook

So every third or fourth day, you run pictures of cute pets, and different tips on how to groom them, even at home. You slowly add suggestive advertising, like the fact that your store is running a special or has a great new certified employee. The thing about Facebook is that yes, you have your business phone number on the page and some customers will call directly from that, but otherwise you are passively AND actively marketing at the same time.

That is, you may not know when your business picks up directly because of your Facebook activity; you may not know if a cute picture of pet or relevant post about grooming got them to call. But, since for now, Facebook is free to join, it is imperative to have a business page, add friends, post videos, and reach out in general.

Tips for Facebook

The purveying fear about joining Facebook as a business is some people won’t like your giveaways, sponsors, announcements, and everything that avenue entails. It really will be ok.. you almost have to face the fear of negative publicity, as much as it may remind you of celebrity train wrecks and the like. With Facebook, if you choose you can disable comments, when a storm comes with negativity, you can get back on track quickly. For something like a photography business, Facebook rules.

You can post video, pics, opinions, quickly and it shows up in end user’s news feeds. And that’s the most important quality of Facebook, when someone “Likes” something or posts a response, it shows up in others newsfeeds, directly to their smartphone. We will look at tweeting and others soon…but Facebook is not going anywhere. Keep your business page separate from your personal, and prosper. Well, we know Spock said something like that, but we really do mean it.