Productivity Hacks

How Small Businesses Can Use AI Productivity Tools to Grow

AI is a tool that can be used to both streamline and improve the operations of small businesses. AI productivity tools are perfect for small businesses because they have access to fewer resources than larger companies do. Even though these tools might seem daunting at first glance, they’re relatively easy to use when you break them down into their components. In this article, we’ll cover some tips on how small businesses can use artificial intelligence tools to grow their businesses even faster than they already are.

Artificial Intelligence & its Impact on Small Businesses

Artificial Intelligence is a massive buzzword in tech, but what does it mean? Here’s the short answer: AI refers to intelligent machines that can perform tasks as well or better than humans.

AI has become increasingly important because it improves productivity, efficiency, and customer service. Many small businesses are now using some form of AI-powered tool to help them manage their business more successfully. AI tools can do everything from help you get more sales leads on LinkedIn or Facebook ads by analyzing your website traffic data and learning which keywords are most effective for attracting new customers. From generating automated reports on key metrics like sales pipeline progress that would otherwise take hours each week for someone like yourself who’s just getting started in marketing (or doesn’t have time).

How Small Businesses Can Use AI Tools to Improve Productivity

One of the most common misconceptions about AI tools is that they can only be used for highly technical tasks. While it’s true that some of these tools are designed for businesses that don’t have a large workforce or complex processes, you can still use them to get more done with less effort. Many small businesses are already using AI productivity tools to streamline their workflows and make more money.

One way to use these tools is by outsourcing repetitive or monotonous tasks so that employees can focus on other business areas. An example would be having an AI system handle customer service calls while an employee looks over transcripts and provides feedback on improving performance next time. Another way is by automating data processing so that employees don’t have to do it themselves—and yes, even if your company doesn’t deal with tons of numbers every day, there may still be ways in which automation could help.

How AI Helps in Content Creation

AI helps you create more engaging, relevant, and actionable content.

Say you’re a small business owner looking to launch your first blog post. You have a perfect idea—a product review of Samsung’s latest smart kitchen appliance. But where do you start? How can AI help?

First, when it comes to writing blog posts about consumer products, there are two main types: reviews and how-to guides. Reviews tell readers what they need to know about a product before making a purchase decision; how-to guides show them how to use it once they get their hands on one. When creating these types of posts for your site or social media channels, AI tools can help by advising which type best suits your audience based on past engagement levels with similar content (and other factors).

AI Productivity Tools for Better Marketing & Sales

AI productivity tools can also help you with marketing and sales. These tools can help optimize your marketing campaigns and improve your sales process. For example, AI-driven email automation software can automatically segment contacts into different groups based on their interests and preferences; This allows for highly personalized communications across multiple channels (e.g., social media, newsletters, etc).

The use of AI in marketing has increased over the past few years due to the rise of chatbots and virtual assistants like Alexa or Siri. Chatbots are becoming one of the marketers’ most valuable assets because they allow them to interact directly with consumers through messaging apps like Facebook Messenger without having to deal with pushback from customers who don’t want to talk on the phone.”


As you can see, using AI productivity tools has many benefits for small businesses. They can help you save time and money, improve communication with your customers and make sales more efficient. Using these tools, you will grow your business with less stress and effort.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you want to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

3 Time Management Lifesavers for New Entrepreneurs

If you’re new to the world of being an entrepreneur, then you likely don’t know how to manage your time like one. There’s a certain science to time management in general, but when you’re an entrepreneur you’ll need an airtight budget for your time. You’re a business owner, an employee, and a customer service rep all in one – you don’t just have one job, you really have all the jobs.

This means your time is no longer yours unless you work hard to make it yours. Unless you have tight control over your time limits and management, you’ll find yourself drowning. The charm of being your own boss is supposed to be you write the schedule and you can take as many days or evenings off as you want, but the reality is that without having a mature discipline, you can easily find yourself swamped.

Time management is about give and take and sacrifice. While you may want to sleep in, it’s better to handle your invoices in the morning and spend time for yourself at night. This kind of compromise is what your new schedule will run on, and these three time management tips may be what separate you from a full schedule and a week-long vacation.

Start Analyzing Your Current Time Management

Before you commit to any new, improved schedule, first thing’s first – you have to understand where your time is going now and what you’re capable of. Spend one day next week working at full capacity. In a sense, run yourself ragged. This will show you what your maximum capacity is. Now spend the rest of your week as usual. This can be a slow pace or one that’s realistic; whatever you would naturally do.

At the end of this week, step back and compare your starter day to the other days in between. Your time management schedule should be somewhere in the middle. You need to do enough in a day to be productive and you need to be trying hard at it in order to make the most of your day.

Plan Your Downtime

Real people have office hours, and you should too. It’s okay to check your work phone while you’re away from your desk, but don’t schedule yourself for anything when you know you’ll probably have to be ripped away from something else. You have a life, you have to eat and you have to sleep. If you know you won’t be awake before 7 AM, don’t schedule a conference call for 6:30.

This also keeps you grounded. You shouldn’t sacrifice your life for work. You’re working so you can live your life – remember that.

Learn to Put Things Off

Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But one important concept of time management is the focus. Don’t answer every email that comes in just because your phone tells you it’s there. Don’t pick up the phone when you’re working on something else. There is a time to give everyone your undivided attention, and it’s not while you’re in the middle of giving it to another task.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!