
Health and Wellness Tips: How Wellness Practices Improve Focus and Creativity

Entrepreneurship demands high levels of focus, creativity, and problem-solving. However, the stress, long hours, and constant decision-making often lead to burnout, diminishing both productivity and innovation. Integrating wellness practices such as mindfulness, exercise, and proper nutrition, helps entrepreneurs manage stress and improves mental clarity and creativity.

In this article, we’ll cover wellness practices that sharpen your entrepreneurial mindset, improve focus, and enhance creativity.

Understanding the Link Between Wellness and Entrepreneurial Creativity

It’s easy for entrepreneurs to prioritize work over health. But there’s a direct connection between physical and mental health and your ability to think creatively and solve problems.

Studies from Harvard Medical School show that regular mindfulness meditation increases gray matter in areas of the brain responsible for memory, stress regulation, and cognitive function. Similarly, research from Stanford University demonstrates that aerobic exercise boosts creativity by up to 60%. These findings emphasize the importance of wellness practices in maintaining high levels of creativity and focus.

Key Wellness Practices That Improve Focus and Creativity

1. Mindfulness Meditation for Better Focus

Mindfulness meditation helps entrepreneurs clear mental clutter, making it easier to focus and solve problems. Mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce stress and increase attention spans, allowing you to handle complex tasks with greater ease.

  • Start with just 5 minutes of meditation each morning to set a calm, productive tone for the day. Apps like Headspace or Calm can guide you through this simple but impactful wellness practice.

2. Yoga: Boosting Both Mental and Physical Well-being

Yoga is another highly effective wellness practice that aligns your body and mind. It reduces stress, increases focus, and enhances creativity. Poses like Child’s Pose and Warrior II calm the nervous system, promoting mental clarity.

  • Dedicate 10 minutes each morning to simple stretches or follow a brief yoga video on YouTube to ease into the day. This daily wellness practice can help balance your energy and prepare you mentally for a productive day.

3. Breathwork for Calming the Mind and Sharpening Creativity

Breathwork techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing or the 4-7-8 method, are useful wellness practices that help entrepreneurs calm their minds and boost focus. Controlled breathing can boost clarity and mental flexibility, according to studies 

  • The 4-7-8 technique is easy to implement: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, and exhale for 8. Repeat this 3-4 times whenever you feel stressed or in need of increased focus. Adding this simple wellness practice to your routine can have immediate positive effects.

4. The Power of Physical Exercise

Exercise is one of the best wellness practices to improve brain health and stimulate creativity. It boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is crucial for cognitive function, memory, and problem-solving abilities.

According to Frontiers in Neuroscience, exercise enhances your brain’s ability to switch between tasks, helping you manage multiple entrepreneurial responsibilities

  • Incorporate at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise (e.g., walking, jogging, or cycling) into your day to stimulate creativity and improve overall brain function.

5. Journaling for Clarity and Goal Setting

Journaling is a powerful way to organize your thoughts, brainstorm new ideas, and reflect on challenges. Entrepreneurs who practice journaling often find they can approach problems more creatively and set clearer goals for their business. 

Journaling also acts as a form of stress relief, which allows for better focus and emotional regulation.

  • Start with 5 minutes of journaling each morning. Write down your thoughts, tasks, or business ideas. Try Morning Pages (stream-of-consciousness writing) or bullet journaling to track goals.

6. Nutritional Choices to Boost Brain Function

What you eat plays a critical role in your cognitive abilities. Certain foods, like blueberries, dark leafy greens, nuts, and omega-3-rich foods such as salmon or flaxseeds, are known to boost brain function and enhance focus.

Harvard Medical School notes that a diet rich in omega-3s, antioxidants, and vitamins helps maintain memory and learning while slowing age-related cognitive decline.

  • Add brain-boosting foods like berries, avocados, and omega-3-rich fish to your meals. Snack on nuts or seeds to fuel your brain during workdays.

7. Power Naps to Recharge

Contrary to popular belief, taking a short nap during the day can dramatically improve focus, creativity, and cognitive performance

Power naps—lasting between 10 to 20 minutes—are especially beneficial for entrepreneurs who often work long hours and need a quick mental reset. Research from NASA found that a 26-minute nap can boost performance by 34% and increase alertness by 54%.

  • Take a 10-20 minute power nap in the early afternoon to recharge. Avoid naps longer than 30 minutes to prevent grogginess.

Overcoming Common Wellness Challenges for Entrepreneurs

Maintaining wellness habits can be hard due to the demands of running a business. But when you reframe wellness as a productivity enhancer, it’s easier to make health a priority without sacrificing business goals.

The Pressure to Prioritize Work Over Health

Entrepreneurs often feel that working longer hours will lead to greater success. However, neglecting health can lead to burnout, reduced creativity, and poor decision-making. 

Arianna Huffington, founder of Thrive Global, emphasized the need to balance work with self-care after her own experience with burnout.

How to Overcome It:

  • Set non-negotiable wellness practies: Make simple wellness habits, like meditation or exercise, part of your daily routine—even during the busiest periods.

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are common in entrepreneurship, but wellness practices can help. Studies show that mindfulness meditation reduces anxiety by calming the mind and enhancing emotional regulation.

How to Overcome It:

  • Use theWorry Boxtechnique: Write down any worries or stressful thoughts, and allocate a specific time to address them later. This prevents anxiety from overwhelming your day.

The Long-Term Benefits of Prioritizing Wellness

By consistently incorporating wellness practices, entrepreneurs can ensure long-term success and longevity in business. Regular self-care helps prevent burnout, enhances creativity, and keeps you mentally sharp as your business grows.

1. Improved Cognitive Function Over Time

As mentioned earlier, research from Harvard University on mindfulness found that meditation strengthens memory and learning by increasing gray matter in the brain. Similarly, regular physical exercise promotes long-term brain health and reduces the risk of cognitive decline.

  • Make wellness a daily habit: Incorporate simple wellness activities—like meditation, yoga, or exercise—into your routine to sustain creativity and mental sharpness over time.

2. Enhanced Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Wellness practices such as mindfulness and emotional regulation improve emotional intelligence (EQ). Leaders with high EQ are better at managing relationships, motivating teams, and handling stress, according to Daniel Goleman, a psychologist who pioneered EQ research.

  • Practice mindful reflection or journaling to enhance self-awareness and improve your emotional intelligence, making you a more empathetic and effective leader.

3. Building Resilience and Adaptability

Mindfulness and exercise help entrepreneurs build resilience, enabling them to bounce back from setbacks faster. Research shows that regular mindfulness practice improves emotion regulation, making it easier to handle stress and adapt to challenges.

  • Use mindfulness techniques during challenging situations to stay calm, clear-headed, and adaptable in the face of business challenges.

4. Longevity in Business

Entrepreneurs who prioritize wellness are better equipped to handle stress, avoid burnout, and sustain long-term success. Mark Cuban credits daily exercise with maintaining his energy and mental clarity, allowing him to thrive over decades.

  • Schedule wellness activities into your calendar just like meetings or deadlines. This ensures wellness becomes part of your business strategy.

5. Building a Wellness-First Company Culture

Fostering a wellness-focused company culture boosts employee morale, creativity, and productivity. Studies show that companies with wellness programs experience higher employee satisfaction and lower absenteeism.

  • Encourage wellness initiatives in the workplace by offering gym memberships, organizing wellness challenges, or providing mindfulness training for your team.


Prioritizing wellness practices like mindfulness, exercise, and stress management isn’t just beneficial for your well-being—it’s essential for your business success. By incorporating simple health and wellness tips into your daily routine, you’ll not only enhance your focus and creativity but also build long-term resilience, ensuring sustained success as an entrepreneur.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you want to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Fit Meditation Into your Busy Schedule

It can be tough to find time to meditate when you’re busy. Between work, family, and other obligations, it’s hard to carve out even a few minutes for yourself. But fit meditation is an incredibly valuable practice, and it’s worth finding a way to make it work for you. In this blog post, we’ll give you tips for fitting meditation into your busy schedule. We’ll also discuss how to meditate when you’re on the go and don’t have any time to spare!

If you’re interested in fit meditation but don’t know where to start, there are plenty of resources available. You can find fit meditation classes at many yoga studios, community centers, and even some gyms. Several apps like Headspace or Exhale offer guided meditation, and many of them are free. Once you’ve found a method that works for you, it’s time to start fitting meditation into your schedule.

Here are a few tips for making fit meditation work with your schedule:

Set aside a specific time each day for meditation. 

It doesn’t have to be first thing in the morning or right before bedtime; pick a time that will work for you and stick to it as best you can. If you find yourself missing a day here and there, don’t worry. Get back on track as soon as possible to increase the likelihood of making meditation a part of your new routine.

Start small. 

If you’re new to fit meditation, you may not be able to sit for an hour at first or even 10 minutes, for that matter. That’s perfectly normal! The best part about meditation is that there’s no set or required time on how long you need to meditate. Start with just a few minutes each day, and gradually increase the length of your meditation as you become more comfortable with it.

Make use of fit meditation tools. 

Guided meditation apps can be extremely helpful when you’re short on time. And if you find yourself struggling to focus, consider using a mala bead bracelet or necklace to help keep your mind from wandering. There are a variety of free mediations you can use from YouTube that will have you stay focused and on schedule. 

Use your commute wisely. 

If you have a long commute, try using that time for fit meditation instead of listening to music or browsing social media. You can also meditate while you’re taking a walk or doing chores around the house. 

Keep a meditation journal. 

Jotting down your thoughts before and after the meditation can help you track your progress and stay motivated. And if you ever have a particularly powerful or insightful meditation experience, write it down! You’ll be surprised at the clarity and insight you can gain from regular mediation sessions

Hopefully, these tips will help you fit meditation into your busy schedule. Remember, even just a few minutes of meditation each day can make a big difference in your overall well-being. So find what works for you and stick with it. 

Do you have any other tips for fitting meditation into a hectic schedule? Share them with us in the comments below! And if you’re looking for more fit meditation resources, be sure to check out our other blog posts on the subject. Thanks for reading 🙂

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How to Jump Start your Mindfulness Routine

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard of mindfulness and are interested in testing it out for yourself. That’s great! Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for improving your life and well-being. But where do you start? This brief guide will walk you through the basics of mindfulness and provide tips on how to create your mindfulness routine.

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. That means being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without getting caught up in them. Mindfulness can help you learn to control your reactions to stressors and increase your overall satisfaction with life.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. You can meditate, do yoga, or simply focus on your breathing. Some people even use a candle flame or other objects to focus their attention but the goal is the same – to center your mind. It is important to find a method that works for you and stick with it. Try different things until you find something that feels comfortable and helpful.

Powerful Mindfulness Routine Tips for Beginners

Here are a few tips for starting a mindfulness routine:

  • Set aside some time each day for mindfulness. Just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, make mindfulness routine part of your daily routine.
  • Start small. If you’re new to practicing mindfulness, it’s okay to start with just a few minutes each day. You can gradually increase the amount of time you spend on mindfulness as you become more comfortable with it.
  • Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You don’t need to go to a special place to be mindful, but it can help to find a spot that’s quiet and free from distractions.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Once you’re in a comfortable position, simply close your eyes and focus on your breath. Notice the sensation of the air moving in and out of your lungs. Don’t try to control your breath, just let it flow naturally.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. As you focus on your breath, you may find that your mind starts to wander. That’s okay! Just notice when it happens and gently bring your attention back to your breath. You may also notice certain thoughts or emotions arising. Again, simply observe them without judgment and let them go.

Mindfulness Routine takes practice, but it’s well worth the effort. By taking the time to be mindful each day, you can learn to control your reactions to stressors and increase your overall satisfaction with life. There is no way you can get it wrong so give mindfulness a try today!

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

5 Helpful Books to Start Your Mindfulness Journey

Do you ever feel like you’re just operating on cruise control, completely oblivious to what you’re actually doing? It sounds like a strange out-of-body experience, but even losing focus for just a second while you work could become frustrating. Your mind might drift into procrastination, or you could have a hard time controlling your thoughts.

These are experiences that everyone has at some point in their lives. The feeling that we’re not entirely aware of our situation, that we’re overwhelmed with what’s around us. It’s enough to make us feel anxious or, in some cases, physically sick and unstable.
This is where mindfulness comes in handy. It’s a basic human ability to allow us to be more aware of not just our surroundings, but also our mental state. It’s the ability to keep your thoughts in check, to be able to react to situations properly without exaggerating the situation in our minds.

Mindfulness isn’t something special. It’s not an ability for gifted and talented people, and it’s certainly something that everyone can possess. However, unlocking that potential to become more mindful can be tricky, so here are five helpful books that can get you started on this wonderful journey of becoming more aware of yourself and your surroundings.

1. 10% Happier

Dan Harris

10% Happier is a fantastic introduction to the world of mindfulness, hence why it’s right at the top of this list. Other books in this list (bar the last one) will sound spiritual and philosophical, which is why they can be difficult to digest. 10% Happier, on the other hand, is a book written for people that want a serious, yet enjoyable read to help them tame the voices inside of their heads.

2. The Untethered Soul

Michael Singe

The Untethered Soul is a journey into a timeless question with many interpretations: who are you? In this book, Michael Singer explores the question of identity and how it can be found in our consciousness and our ability to observe the world around us.

3. The Art of Happiness

Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler

A unique take on mindfulness, written with the aid of one of the world’s great spiritual leaders. This highly accessible book dives into many key areas of human experience while also touching on important principles in Tibetan Buddhism and applying them to everyday scenarios.

4. The Miracle of Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh offers a wonderfully rich and lucid guide to practicing mindfulness in this book. It’s full of practical advice and skills that can help you become more aware of your surroundings. From simple tasks like peeling fruit and washing your dishes, this book reminds us that every moment is unique and holds an opportunity that is waiting to be explored.

5. The Mindfulness Colouring Book

Emma Farrarons

And lastly, an accessible book that isn’t just about reading. Working with your own hands is a fantastic way to soothe your anxiety and defeat stress. This small book of beautiful illustrations gives you a practical way to explore your inner creativity and draw out your mindfulness while providing you with something to focus on.

These five books all offer a unique and different take on mindfulness, but they can all be used to kickstart your mindfulness journey.

Top 5 Vacation Spots for a Meditation Retreat

For vacations to be truly rejuvenating, it doesn’t always need to be about going off to an exotic island for an adventure. Sometimes, the best vacation you can have is the most laidback—the one that will help you rejuvenate from within. Vacations that are packed with activities can be stressful. Such vacations can ruin the purpose of a holiday, which is to rest and relax.

To truly relax, you can take a different kind of a vacation—one that can quiet your mind and open your heart. I’m talking about going to a meditation retreat. We’ve picked some of the best ones you can consider for your next vacation. Here are our top choices:

Rolling Meadows Retreat, Brooks, Maine

Rolling Meadows offers city slickers that chance to unplug from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Silent retreats are held year-round and are designed to quiet the mind and increase awareness. Guests can join a series of meditation and yoga sessions and free time can be spent for reflection, solitude and in exploring the breathtaking beauty of the land.

Stillpoint Lodge, Halibut Cove, Alaska

With short boat ride or plane trip through the magnificent Kachemak Bay, you’ll find the secluded Stillpoint Lodge located in enchanting village of Halibut Cove. The lodge offers guided meditations, yoga and rejuvenating walking meditations in Alaskan wilderness. The lodge also features a poustinia, a silent meditation space that’s open 24 hours a day. Guests also get to see local wildlife as well as dine on organic meals using local ingredients.

Ala Kukui, Maui, Hawaii

Literally translated as “Path of Enlightenment”, Ala Kukui is ideal for those in search of spiritual renewal and creative awakening. Located in the beautiful land of Hana, Ala Kukui offers stunning views of Haleakala as well as the Pacific Ocean. The center offers different types of retreats including wellness retreats, corporate retreats, family retreats, and even retreats for veterans struggling with PTSD.

Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California

Surrounded by majestic mountains and blue ocean, the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California offers an amazing location for meditation, yoga, wellness, spiritual renewal and relaxation. The lodge sits on 120 acres of lush property where guests can bathe in hot springs overlooking the ocean, meditate, practice yoga, go hiking, and volunteer in its organic farm.

Feathered Pipe Ranch, Montana

Situated in the heart of the Montana Rockies, the Feather Pipe Ranch is an oasis of peace. Here, guests can go on a personal retreat, reflect, and connect with nature. Accommodation choices include tepees, yurts, and tents as well as deluxe rooms. Guests can join in meditation, yoga and chakra sessions, as well hike in the forest, canoe, and swim in the lake.

A meditation retreat can provide you with an entirely new perspective on life. It can help you de-stress by removing the pressures of daily life. It can also help you rediscover joy and peace and will teach how to sustain it in your life.

How Meditation Can Help You Uncover Your Passion and Purpose


Did you know that having a sense of purpose for your life will make you live longer? In fact, it’s even been proven to reduce your risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Those who develop a strong sense of purpose usually do so by discovering their passions. Following your passion doesn’t necessarily mean finding the right occupation; it means finding what you love and what you live for.

But how do you discover what your passion and purpose in life is? With so much noise going on out there and in your head, maybe you just need to quiet your mind and soul so that they can tell you what it is.

What you need is to observe your thoughts as they drift through your mind. And the only way to do that is through meditation.

Meditation allows you to refocus your awareness and let go of random thoughts. As your experiences play out in your head, recognize how they make you feel. Meditation has the power to unlock even our deepest memories, things you may have thought were left behind in your childhood. You’ll be surprised by how glimpses of the past can have a profound effect on you today and in this moment.

You can remember the warmth on your face on a sunny day or your laugh as you played with the family dog. Sometimes our purpose in life comes from the recollection of simpler days when we remember the things that made us happiest.

Ask yourself when the last time you laughed uncontrollably was, had a grin on your face you couldn’t wipe off, or had butterflies in your stomach.

Was it the times that you’ve helped others? Or maybe it was when you baked your first pie. Perhaps the last time you felt true happiness was when you traveled alone.

Reflective and mindful meditation allows us to gain a deeper insight or wisdom to a question we bring to mind. Sit comfortably and take slow and increasingly deeper breaths until you are relaxed and calm. Ask yourself the question.

“What is my purpose?”

Insights will surface in your mind. They could be memories, random thoughts, or even dreams you’ve once had. Watch them like a movie. Observe them without judgment while you continue to focus on your question.

The answer won’t always come to you right away. But over time, you will be able to focus on what the insights are telling you. And soon, you’ll come to recognize exactly what your body, mind, and soul have been trying to communicate to you.

Remember that you have your own path and your own pace when it comes to tapping into your consciousness. Only you can make the mind-body connection.

3 Powerful Ways Meditation Can Benefit your Mind and Body

There’s no point in doing something if it doesn’t benefit you, right? This is something many people consider when they contemplate starting up a meditation routine. They consider it to just be sitting down and being quiet…not much else is involved with meditation, right? 

Wrong. Meditation has never been a holistic hoax, and that still stands. While some benefits of meditation are very superficial, there are actually a variety of important mental and physical benefits that practitioners of yoga experience when they meditate.

What are those benefits? There are honestly too many to mention in just one blog post. However, there are three powerful benefits that any meditation skeptic should know about:

Meditation is great for anxiety and soothing the physical soul.

Your nervous system is the gateway to all of your bodily functions. From how you think to how you move, your nervous system is an amazing thing…and meditation can greatly affect how it functions.

Being specific, meditation activates your parasympathetic nervous system. This directly relates to your rest response — or how calm and relaxed you are physically and mentally. While many people associate rest with a mental state, it can also affect how your body functions overall. This relates to your heart rate, blood pressure, immunity, digestion and blood pressure. Meditation also helps to lower your stress hormones through this system as well.

Similarly, meditation can also help you sleep at night. While it obviously relates to your body physically shutting down, meditation also calms your racing mind, making it easier to turn in at the end of the night.

Meditation improves your creativity and productivity.

A clear mind is a mind that comes up with great ideas. When you have a bunch of thoughts racing around your brain, it can be hard to settle on one idea and fully realize it. Meditation helps to clear away these thoughts, making room for your creativity to shine through.

Think about your mind like a cluttered desk. What can you do with a cluttered desk other than clean it or walk away? Meditation is the process of cleaning it, allowing work to actually be done at the desk. This is the perfect illustration for how meditation makes a person more productive. A clear mind is a mind that gets things done.

Meditation makes people happier.

Meditation is calming, and being calm leads to being happier. When someone meditates, they let the weight of the world fall away from them and they experience a small taste of enlightenment. Meditation helps a person to process thoughts, get rid of negativity, and clear their mind.

The fact that meditation relieves stress is one of the biggest benefits of meditation, but not just because of this obvious relaxation benefit. A relaxed person with little stress in their life will obviously be happier than someone who has a life filled with stress and minimal downtime.

One final benefit of meditation — it’s a great way to take some time out to focus on yourself, not the clutter of everyday stressors and irritants. Take some time out of your day to meditate. You’ll be glad you did.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

4 Valuable Tips for Staying Mindful on the Go

A common misconception about mindfulness is that it’s entirely the absence of thought. However, it should be obvious that this is wrong — it’s not called mindfulness for nothing. To be mindful is to (simply put) accomplish two things. First, you clear your mind. Second — and this is the important part — you focus on the present environment and the world around you within that very moment.

No past, no future. Just the moment you currently exist within.

The problem is that as entrepreneurs and busy people, we don’t often have the time or ability to shut off our brains and focus on what’s really around us. That’s why when the moment occurs, we all have to strike while the iron is hot.

Your Daily Commute.

It’s probably a good idea to avoid spacing out while you’re driving to work, but that doesn’t mean you can take some time during your commute to be mindful. This is much easier if you take the train, bus, or subway to work. You aren’t having to worry about the rules of the road and it’s easier to let your mind wander and focus on the world around you.

If you do drive, try and make it to work a little early. Don’t try to be mindful while driving, but instead for a few minutes once you get to work. Sit in your car, turn off your brain and take in your environment.

Make Food Mindful.

Being mindful isn’t just about drifting away and taking in the sights. It’s also about savoring all of your senses — including your sense of taste.

You’ll find time to eat during the day, which means you’ll find time to be mindful. The food you’re eating doesn’t have to be from a 5-star restaurant in order for mindfulness to occur. Even if you only have time for a Hot Pocket at your desk, take the time to notice the flavor and only the flavor. How does the food feel? How does it taste?

Before Sleep.

You aren’t a robot — you’ve got to sleep sometime! If you don’t have time to be mindful during the day, simply make time at night. About five minutes before you’re scheduled to go to sleep, let your mind wander and experience the world around you.

It’s actually easier to be mindful when your mind is already looking forward to shutting down. Practicing mindfulness before bed is one way to be more successful at the exercise, and it’s also simultaneously relaxing so you can fall asleep faster.

Emotional Awareness.

We’ve covered things like sight, sound and taste, but mindfulness also encompasses another spectrum of yourself: emotions. Examining your emotions in the present is a great way to get in tune with them and ease stress.

This can be done at any time during the day. One idea is to consider focusing on this during any bathroom breaks you take at work. Wash your hands and focus on feeling the water and soap, then look inward and assess your emotions. This takes only a few seconds and can still leave you feeling at ease.

At the end of the day practicing mindfulness will only add positive effects to your life and it doesn’t cost you anything to try it. Be sure to take some time out of your day to monitor your thoughts so you can become better at fine-tuning your emotional awareness.

Keetria is an entrepreneur, wellness advocate, and brand strategy coach for creatives & entrepreneurs with 16 years of public relations expertise working with some of the world’s leading brands, startups, media personalities, and entertainers. If you would like to work together, don’t hesitate to reach out!

How Positive Emotions Impact Our Health

Have you ever considered the role of positivity in your life? In fact, think about this question for a moment: how positive are you?

If you immediately answered with a “very” or “yeah, I’m positive,” then stop and rethink your answer. Give yourself five minutes. Positive people exude their positivity in everything they do. They may not be eternally smiling, stereotypical balls of sunshine, but they do have a “can do, will do, will succeed” attitude that helps them get through the day.

But is there a purpose behind all of this positivity? It makes sense that being positive can increase your productivity and lift your mood some, that’s for sure. There’s also that other quip that people like to throw around that you should think about: “being more positive is healthy for you!”

Is this actually true though? Is there any direct correlation between being positive and being healthy?

In reality, there have actually been quite a few studies done on the subject. Many scientists and researchers wanted to officially find out how positivity affects a person’s health.

For instance, a 2015 study shows that what you say on Twitter could actually be directly correlated to a person’s heart health.

Based on the data found, users that used more optimistic language presented a lower risk for their mortality in terms of heart disease. This means that users that used words in their tweets like “stronger” and “faith” were healthier than those who used more negative language or who had indiscernible leanings.

Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley conducted a study based on the emotion of awe. Awe, amazement and wonderment are all positive emotions that can positively affect your health, based on the research that discovered the emotions have natural, anti-inflammatory properties.

The Berkeley study involves researches looking at subjects that had recently experienced awe versus those who had not. Those who had experienced awe were found to have lower levels of cytokines, inflammatory markers that may cause autoimmune diseases, depression, Alzheimer’s and heart disease.

One of the study’s authors spoke to news website The Huffington Post about her thoughts on the study and subject.

“Rather than seeing a walk through the park or a trip to the museum as an indulgence, we hope people will view these kind of experiences as important ways to promote a healthy body in addition to a healthy mind…”

Another study conducted on positive emotions was spearheaded by positive psychologist Barbara Frederickson. Her research focused on the effects of loving-kindness meditation (known as LKM) which is a traditional Buddhist practice that combines meditation with compassion and collective love within a group.

She found that the boosted feelings of compassion led to improvement in resting vagal tone. The vagus nerve has to do with a person’s overall physical health as well as their feelings of connection and love.

Frederickson had this to say about her findings:

“In a way, our bodies are designed for love, because the more we love, the more healthy we become.”